2 Pathways to detection of non-infectious childhood uveitis in the UK: findings from the UNICORN cohort study (5 October, 2023)
S Kellett, H Petrushkin, J Ashworth, A Connor, E McLoone, C Schmoll, S Sharma, E Agorogiannis, J Williams, J Choi, A Injarie, N Puvanachandra, P Watts, A Shafi, E Millar, V Long, A Kumar, E Hughes, A Ritchie, J Gonzalez-Martin, A Pradeep, S Anwar, K Warrior, B Muthusamy, R Pilling, J Benzimra, A Reddy, K Bush, D Pharoah, K Falzon, U O’Colmain, R Knowles, V Tadic, A Dick, J Rahi, AL Solebo