This study provided some evidence that knowledge of patient emotional well-being influences ophthalmologists’ self-reported behaviour during patient encounters. They reported that knowledge of the scores was useful and changed their clinical approach and communication style with patients. The results were not uniform, as one clinician reported the information was useless and that increased attention was not paid to emotional health because there was uncertainty over the beneficial effect on therapy. In fact, however, there are data showing that depression is a risk factor for lower adherence with medical therapies.15 16
The reported change in communication style and clinical approach increased as emotional well-being scores worsened, providing some evidence that the patient’s scores were driving the change in self-reported behaviours. However, the fact that for nearly three-fourths or more of the patients with mild to moderate anxiety or depression, no change in clinical approach or communication style was reported is concerning and suggests a rather high threshold for behaviour change in providers. The demands of busy clinical practices, coupled with teaching time in academic practices, may make it difficult to add more time to patient encounters however much it is indicated.
One proposed method of improving efficiency and saving time when using the PHQ-9 questionnaire was to use only the first two questions and going further only if patients endorse either of them.25 However, we note that more than 30% of patients in our study had mild or worse symptoms of anxiety and/or depression, so some time would need to be allocated to screening.
The fact that no ophthalmologist reported changing treatment regimen may reflect the limited options available for changing these regimens in clinical practice. However, the lack of significant change in follow-up protocol regardless of the severity of depression or anxiety is of concern if a more holistic approach to patient well-being is desired. Providers concerned about emotional well-being or the effect of depression on adherence to treatment might have considered telephone follow-up or scheduled an earlier appointment.
In the exit survey, all ophthalmologists reported that there was insufficient training on the effects of anxiety or depression on patients. Education to improve ophthalmologists’ understanding of the associations between psychosocial factors and eye disease, and the impact on treatment, maybe indicated.26 In addition, knowledge of patient emotional health disorders as well as provider’s self-confidence in managing these disorders have been shown to play a role in the ability of physicians who are not specialised in psychiatry to appropriately identify conditions and refer patients for specialised care.27
Although patient outcomes were not assessed directly in this study, ophthalmologists’ knowledge of PHQ-9 and GAD-7 scores led to four patients being referred who may have otherwise been missed. However, advance knowledge of the scores may have had unintended consequences as in the case of one patient, with no anxiety or depression, where the ophthalmologist reported decreased time spent communicating since there was no reported emotional distress. This isolated response may indicate the potential risk for complacency if patients are identified as having low scores as even if no depressive symptoms or anxiety are reported, if there are other concerns about their eye care, the usual amount of communication may be warranted.
There was no association between higher anxiety or depression scores and visual acuity loss in our study, although this was not a primary analysis and with the low number of patients with moderate acuity loss, we were likely underpowered to detect a significant association. Of note, we did not have visual field test reports from a field analyser for most patients, and it may be that visual field loss is associated with anxiety or depression and was not captured. We report that ophthalmologists provided more information about the eye disease or vision loss to four patients because of the severity of depression or anxiety scores but two of these patients did not have any visual acuity loss and the other two had mild and moderate loss. We did not capture the reasons for the change in communication and this could be better assessed in more detail in future studies.
Our overall assumptions about sample size were reasonable. We anticipated that about 30% of patients would have mild or worse anxiety/depression and about 32% reported symptoms of mild or worse. We had no a priori knowledge of the likelihood of differential proportions of ophthalmologist behaviour change in the two patient groups, and chose 5% in one and 30% in the other; in fact, the separation was even more pronounced, with ophthalmologists reporting behaviour change in 6% of those with none to minimal anxiety/depression versus 50% in those with mild or worse anxiety/depression. However, we had more limited power to study associations in subgroups, for example, by division.
There are several limitations to the study that must be considered. First, since the study is not a randomised controlled trial, we do not know the referral rate to social work/psychiatry services when the PHQ-9 and GAD-7 scores are not provided to ophthalmologists. Given that we were asked to provide a referral network before study recruitment began suggests that, in general, the referral rate is very low. However, it is not possible to imply a causal relationship between providing the questionnaire scores and improving referrals beyond establishing an association. Second, the patient sample was self-selected, as is often the case in clinic populations. We cannot infer the prevalence of anxiety or depression in general patients seen in glaucoma and retinal clinics from our study. There may be potential for selection bias as the sample may be over-represented or under-represented of patients who suffer from anxiety or depression. Third, our patient sample only included glaucoma and retina patients, and therefore may not be generalisable to patients in other ophthalmology subspecialties or settings. The ophthalmologists were also recruited from the glaucoma and retina divisions and may not be representative of all ophthalmology subspecialties and practice types. Provider selection bias is possible. We limited our recruitment to clinicians who saw patients on days in which the study team could manage recruitment. Nevertheless, the ophthalmologists who enrolled may be more sympathetic and willing to alter their clinical approach and communication style. In our study, 9 out of 10 ophthalmologists indicated that they pay attention to anxiety and depression in the global assessment of their patients. To better evaluate the effectiveness of the discussed approach, future studies may benefit from having a larger sample size and a more diverse sample from all subspecialties, private practice and across different regions. Fourth, we did not collect data on the patient perceptions of these clinical interactions. To what extent the behaviour changes that were reported were perceived during the visit or follow-up by patients will provide more information and should be addressed in future research. Finally, we sought ophthalmologists’ self-reported behaviour change, recognising that the providers are reporting changes while under observation. We could have monitored just for referrals to social services, but we would have missed data on the content of the visits other than direct referrals, which were rare. The fact that 96% of those with mild to moderate anxiety/depression were not referred despite the ease of doing so in this study suggests that provider participation in the study did not greatly influence referral behaviours at least. For future research, we would suggest rewording the questions to allow data collection from providers who do not receive the scores, and as noted above, would augment findings using patient-reported outcomes.
Overall, our results indicate that knowledge of emotional health status of ophthalmology patients may change clinical and communication practices of ophthalmologists during clinic visits. However, assessing emotional well-being in ophthalmic clinical settings is not a straightforward process and requires an easily accessible referral system for those in acute need. Involving social workers in the care delivery process, training ophthalmic technicians to manage referrals to social work/psychiatry services or alerting the patients’ primary care physician may help better integrate the clinical management of decreased emotional well-being into routine care. Regardless of the possible solutions, our data suggest that increased awareness may lead to an opportunity to improve ophthalmic clinical interactions at the very least, but more research is needed to capture the patient experience on any changes in the way care is delivered.