Table 2

Complement levels for cases with intermediate AMD versus controls

Complement factors
Median (IQR)
Intermediate AMD
OR (95% CI)*P value†
C1q (µg/mL)77 (68–90)90 (82–96)0.96 (0.94 to 0.98)<0.01
C4 (µg/mL)107 (98–118)113 (99–127)0.99 (0.97 to 1.00)0.16
C2 (µg/mL)4.5 (3.5–5.5)3.5 (2.5–4.6)1.29 (1.07 to 1.59)0.02
MBL (ng/mL)784 (295–1269)522 (296–1239)1.00‡ (1.00 to 1.01)0.49
C4b (µg/mL)10 (9–12)11 (9–12)0.91 (0.79 to 1.03)0.16
C3 (µg/mL)78 (66–92)70 (53–81)1.01 (1.00 to 1.02)0.16
Factor B (µg/mL)111 (100–127)125 (108–137)0.98 (0.96 to 0.99)0.01
Factor D (µg/mL)1.7 (1.4–2.2)1.8 (1.5–2.1)1.04 (0.86 to 1.32)0.69
Properdin (µg/mL)19 (18–23)19 (16–22)1.11 (1.01 to 1.24)0.05
C3a (ng/mL)61 (50–76)50 (41–62)1.03 (1.01 to 1.05)0.01
iC3b/C3b (ng/mL)654 (561–834)882 (657–1119)0.97‡ (0.95 to 0.98)<0.01
Ba (ng/mL)722 (617–876)597 (522–709)1.03‡ (1.01 to 1.05)<0.01
Factor H (µg/mL)198 (177–226)221 (195–251)0.99 (0.98 to 0.99)0.01
Factor I (µg/mL)26 (22–29)31 (28–34)0.83 (0.77 to 0.89)<0.01
C5 (µg/mL)39 (34–44)45 (40–49)0.94 (0.90 to 0.98)0.01
C5a (pg/mL)703 (575–793)564 (448–692)1.04‡ (1.02 to 1.07)<0.01
SC5b-9 (ng/mL)181 (158–213)164 (144–197)1.06‡ (0.99 to 1.15)0.16
  • *OR from the multivariable logistic regression with 95% CI after adjusting for age and family history of AMD.

  • †P values obtained from multivariate logistic regression including age and family history of AMD and adjusted for multiple comparisons using FDR.

  • ‡OR corresponding to change in 10 units of complement factor.

  • AMD, age-related macular degeneration; FDR, false discovery rate.