Table 2

Comparisons of baseline variables between high and low levels of MMP-2 and TIMP-2

Low (<178 ng/mL)High (≥178 ng/mL)P value aLow (<205 ng/mL)High (≥205 ng/mL)P value b
SexWomen81 (40)33 (50)0.1780 (40)33 (49)0.20
Men120 (60)33 (50)118 (60)34 (51)
Age (years)40 (30–50)46 (40–50)0.001 c40 (30–50)45 (37–55)0.001 c
Diabetes duration (years)18 (9–27)28 (18–35)<0.001 c18 (9–28)26 (18–35)<0.001 c
DRProliferative30 (15)17 (26)0.001 d29 (15)18 (27)0.008 d
Severe non-proliferative20 (10)10 (15)22 (11)8 (12)
Moderate non-proliferative44 (22)19 (29)42 (21)20 (30)
Mild non-proliferative44 (22)10 (15)47 (24)6 (9)
No apparent63 (31)10 (15)58 (29)15 (22)
DR, at least moderate94 (47)46 (70)0.00193 (47)46 (69)0.002
HbA1c (≥53 mmol/mol)165 (82)53 (80)0.74158 (80)58 (87)0.22
Serum creatinine (µmol/L) e70 (61–78)70 (64–79)0.36c70 (61–77)74 (65–82)0.016 c
Macroalbuminuria f6 (3)9 (14)0.003 g6 (3)9 (14)0.004 g
Systolic BP>130 mm Hg13 (15)13 (20)0.4230 (15)14 (21)0.28
Diastolic BP>80 mm Hg10 (5)3 (5)0.8910 (5)3 (4)0.85
TIMP (ng/mL) h170 (148–191)211 (187–232)<0.001 c
High TIMP-2 (ng/mL) h27 (14)40 (61)<0.001
MMP-2 (ng/mL)143 (120–165)187 (163–216)<0.001 c
High MMP-2 (ng/mL)26 (13)40 (60)<0.001
CSII18 (9)5 (8)1.00 f17 (9)6 (9)1.00 f
Antihypertensive drugs61 (30)28 (42)0.07158 (29)31 (46)0.011
  • a, b Data are presented as n (%) or median (q1, q3). a, b Chi-Square Test was used unless otherwise indicated. c Mann-Whitney U Test. d Linear-by-linear Association. Missing values: e 13/f 15. g Fisher’s Exact Test. Missing values: h 2.

  • BP, blood pressure; CSII, continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion; DR, diabetic retinopathy; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; TIMP, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase.