Table 1

Primary outcome

(1–5, 1=lowest score, n=29)
Time point 1Time point 2P value
A. General satisfaction3.8±0.84.0±0.60.14
B. Provision of information3.1±0.83.3±0.80.13
C. Empathy towards the patient3.2±0.83.4±0.60.07
D. Technical quality and competence4.3±0.64.3±0.60.96
E. Attitude towards the patient3.4±0.63.5±0.60.14
F. Access and continuity3.6±0.63.8±0.80.15
Overall score3.6±0.23.7±0.20.009
  • LSQ; attachment 1 at time point 1 and time point 2. LSQ measures mean overall patient satisfaction score (from 1 to 5, 1=lowest score) averaged from six subgroups (A–F); (A) general satisfaction, (B) provision of information, (C) empathy towards the patient, (D) technical quality and competence, (E) attitude towards the patient and (F) access and continuity. Scores >3 represent satisfaction, while <3 represent dissatisfaction. Each subgroup was unchanged while the overall sum of subgroups was increased when measured at 12 months following a switch from treat-and-extend to observe and plan protocol. Results are presented as mean±SD.

  • LSQ, Leeds Satisfaction Questionnaire.