Table 2

Prevalence of eyes with specific optical coherence tomography (OCT)-based biomarkers and Gass lesion types stratified by best-corrected visual acuity better or worse than 0.4 LogMAR

BCVA <0.4 LogMAR (≥20/50)BCVA ≥0.4 LogMAR (<20/50)P value
Number of eyes6035
Age (Years) (mean, median, range)37.5, 34, 4 to 8741.2, 45, 7 to 840.21
CST (µm) (mean, median, range)335.7, 334, 210 to 570331.3, 300, 73 to 6270.15
Pre-VL (%)*
Solid VL (%)
SRF (%)61.768.60.29
Pillar (%)2031.40.18
FCE (%)1528.60.14
IRF (%)6.728.60.04*
Fibrosis and/or atrophy (%)1.717.10.21
CNV (%)6.717.10.2
Gass lesion type (%)
  • *P value <0.05 (Mann-Whitney U test) considered statistically significant.

  • BCVA, best-corrected visual acuity; CNV, choroidal neovascularisation; CST, central subfield thickness; FCE, focal choroidal excavation; IRF, intraretinal fluid; SRF, subretinal fluid; VL, vitelliform.