Table 3

Retinal detachment size, location, macular status, location of breaks, number of retinal breaks and lens status at time of surgery

TotalPPVPPV/SBSBP value* †
n (%) or Median (range)n (%) or Median (range)n (%) or Median (range)n (%) or Median (range)
Size (clock hours)4.8 (1–11)4.8 (1–10)5.6 (1.5–11)4.2 (2–6)0.007
Superior385 (56.2%)348 (57.3%)19 (41.3%)18 (56.2%)0.313
Inferior222 (32.4%)192 (31.7%)19 (41.3%)11 (34.4%)
Equilateral78 (11.4%)67 (11.0%)8 (17.4%)3 (9.4%)
Macula status
On335 (44.6%)303 (45.4%)15 (29.4%)17 (53.1%)0.53
Off416 (55.4%)365 (54.6%)36 (70.6%)15 (46.9%)
Break location
Inferior297 (39.5%)262 (39.2%)20 (39.2%)15 (46.9%)0.687
Non-inferior454 (60.5%)406 (60.8%)31 (60.8%)17 (53.1%)
Retinal breaks
1293 (40.9%)263 (41.4%)19 (38.0%)11 (36.7%)0.124
2–4208 (29.1%)189 (29.7%)15 (30.0%)4 (13.3%)
>4215 (30.0%)184 (28.9%)16 (32.0%)15 (50.0%)
Lens status
Phakic441 (59.9%)378 (57.8%)35 (68.6%)28 (90.3%)0.001
Pseudophakic295 (40.1%)276 (42.2%)16 (31.4%)3 (9.7%)
  • *P values reflect the comparison between the three surgical groups (PPV, PPV/SB and SB).

  • †P values <0.05 obtained by ANOVA or χ2 test were considered statistically significant.

  • ANOVA, analysis of variance; PPV, pars plana vitrectom; SB, scleral buckling.