Table 4

Components of psychosocial adjustment to uveitis

Components of psychosocial adjustment to uveitisDefinitionExamples
Threats to psychosocial well-beingThings that indicate that individuals are having difficulty with psychosocial adjustment to uveitis or going through a process of adjustment, for example, social anxiety, acceptance of the disease, social reaction, changing personal items, autonomy and independence.Grief for losses incurred, for example, vision/sight loss.
Lack of acceptance of the disease and adjustments to life required.
Lack of predictability of the disease and impacts-related uncertainty regarding the future.
Anxiety related to perceived or actual social reactions to the person with the disease.
Feeling of dependence on others and loss of autonomy.
Sense of role disruption, for example, work, family.
Need to change things that are components of self-image, for example, unable to wear make-up, unable to wear items of clothing that are tied to self-image.
Coping strategiesThings that individuals with uveitis do in order to cope with threats to their well-being and psychosocial adjustment. These can include a mix of psychological and behavioural strategies and can have an effect on how well people with uveitis are able to adjust.Psychological, for example, acceptance of disease and impacts, adopting a positive attitude, good mindset, positive spiritual beliefs.
Behavioural strategies and modifications, for example, changing driving behaviour, changing work or adjustments at work, change in day-to-day life patterns.
Self-management, for example, pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions that would help to prevent the disease from worsening, such as increasing eye-drops, lifestyle modifications such as diet, relaxation techniques.
Indicators of psychosocial adjustmentIndicators that people with uveitis have gone through processes of psychosocial adjustment.Sense of self: how people with uveitis view themselves, that is, their self-image.
Identity: how people with uveitis are viewed by and relate to others.
Sense of normality: a person’s ability to retain or regain some sense of normality within life.