The availability of RAAB7 software facilitated data entry and cleaning during NES III. The web platform with live survey data visibility enabled real-time monitoring for quality assurance throughout the survey. The trainer and investigators could identify and respond to any issues and questions from the data collectors on the ground in real time. Compared to NES II (2014), digitalisation of data entry, cleaning, analysis and delivery of reports during NES III (2023) assured data quality. It saved time and, therefore, costs needed to support the survey teams on the ground as the duration of data collection was shortened.
There was a significantly lower prevalence of bilateral cataract, corrected VA <3/60 among women than men in Eastern and Sarawak in NES III. However, the gender difference was insignificant, suggesting that the gender issue in cataract surgical services in both regions could have been addressed. Within Sarawak and the Eastern region, the accepted culture was ‘women to stay at home’ or ‘women should give more priority to men’. These perceptions resulted in women’s hesitancy to travel far from home to seek treatment for their eye problems. Reaching out to women was one of the strategies embedded into the service concept of Klinik Katarak-Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (Cataract Clinic Ministry of Health Malaysia, KK-KKM). It aimed to help women come forward to receive cataract treatment. Unpublished service data showed a generally higher percentage of women presenting for cataract surgery at the outreach programme locations within both regions by year, except during the COVID-19 pandemic, where the percentages were lower. The reason was probably the same: men were given more priority in seeking treatment during the pandemic. We are unable to address this pattern in this paper as more research is needed to identify the possible factors.
The prevalence of bilateral and unilateral cataract at all levels of surgical thresholds (except for <6/60 and <6/18 in the Eastern region) was also reduced during NES III. It is possible that within 9 years, more individuals with cataract, especially women, could have better awareness to come forward and seek treatment. The difference in the total percentage of PVA as a measure of visual outcome (presenting VA or unaided VA) and PinVA (corrected VA) could represent an improvement in the biometric measurement and improvement in the surgery technique and other equipment used to support the programme.
In general, the prevalence of vision impairment during NES II and III was lower compared with other countries, especially in the Southeast Asia region.12–16 Acknowledging the country’s position regarding the prevalence and cataract surgical outcomes compared with neighbouring countries is essential. However, achieving a reduction or improvement following an intervention is more important or meaningful.
The leading national initiative that could have contributed to the reduction in cataract prevalence and improved visual outcomes after cataract surgery in both regions is the KK-KKM, an outreach arm of the ministry to reach the population (figure 2). It was launched in 2014 in Sarawak and the Eastern region of Malaysia as part of the country’s progress commitments with the WHA 66.4 resolution and as one of the national action plans following the findings of the NES II (2014). The modified buses transport surgical and medical equipment along the selected service routes according to the location of provincial Hospitals, which are used as the primary service sites. Once arrived at the site, the equipment is offloaded and used in the clinic (for screening) or operating room (for cataract surgery). The service concept is based on operating near patients’ homes. However, unlike other cataract mobile units in other countries, surgery is not done on the bus.17–19 Instead, surgeries are done in sterile operating theatre facilities/rooms available at the provincial hospitals, hence minimising risks of infection. More than 90.0% of surgeries used phacoemulsification technique (by portable phacoemulsification machine), and qualified optometrists perform all biometry measurements for the intraocular lens.20–22 The surgeries are monitored by quality indicators such as the incidence of posterior capsular rupture, poor visual outcomes and endophthalmitis.23–26
Figure 2A mobile unit of Klinik Katarak Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KK-KKM) (the ministry’s outreach arm) reached a provisional hospital in Sarawak, Borneo (Courtesy of Dr. Mohamad Aziz Salowi, Ministry of Health Malaysia).
The KK-KKM project in both regions emphasises scheduled trips for screening and surgery and revisiting after 1 month by optometrists to assess patients’ visual outcomes. The timetable for the mobile unit is distributed to all the provincial hospitals at the beginning of each calendar year. The fixed schedule allows people in remote areas to plan their finances and trips to come forward and seek eye treatment. Operating in proper operating rooms using standard cataract extraction techniques, quality measurement of biometry and fixing the timetable for the service maximise access and ensure quality surgery for the people.
Like in all other hospital facilities in the Malaysian Ministry of Health, data from cataract surgeries performed at the KK-KKM locations are entered into the National Eye Database, a web-based password-protected surveillance system collecting data on eye diseases and the clinical performance of ophthalmology services in Malaysia. It consists of online systematic data entry according to predefined sets of preoperative, operative and outcome forms. Details on the Malaysian Cataract Surgery Registry and Cumulative Summation Techniques in cataract surgical performance monitoring have been published elsewhere.27 28
The concept of ‘Bringing High Impact Quality Eyecare Closer to Home’, community engagement/advocacy, quality surgery and performance monitoring in outreach cataract surgery could have explained the reduction in the prevalence of cataract and improvement in the visual outcomes within both regions after 9 years of service. The objective, concept and work process were endorsed by WHO when it was selected as a Case Study for the Western Pacific WHO Innovation Challenge in 2021/2022.29
The on-the-field work for data collection coincided with the pre-election time for the state legislative assemblies. Although the highest level of permission to visit the houses, examine, and interview the subjects was applied and given by the local authorities, there was resistance from the subjects/community to the examination/interview, alleging that the study had political intentions.