Retinitis pigmentosa (RP), the most common form of inherited retinal dystrophies, initially presents with night blindness and a gradual decline in peripheral vision and progresses to central vision loss.1 Cystoid maculopathy (CM), characterised by cyst formation in the intracellular spaces of the retina primarily in the outer-plexiform layer, is a common complication in RP, occurring in ~50%.2 3 Cystoid spaces can exhibit either leaking or non-leaking characteristics.4 Potential mechanisms described for CM in RP include disruption of the blood–retina barrier which causes leakage from the perifoveal retinal capillaries, as well as retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) pump mechanism failure and/or müller cell oedema and dysfunction. Disruption of retinal architecture due to underlying RP might explain mechanisms for non-leaking cystoid spaces.4 5 CM leads to immediate or gradual visual impairment due to retinal thickening and fluid collection, which distort the photoreceptor architecture ultimately accelerating photoreceptor atrophy.5 6 CM treatment is important for preserving photoreceptors, thereby optimising visual acuity, especially for RP patients depending on central vision.1
Several treatments are available for reducing CM in RP patients. The first choice of treatment is carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAI) orally or topically which reduces CM in ~42% and increases visual acuity in ~40% of the patients.7 8 Intolerable side effects such as potassium deficiency, tingling of limbs (67%–86%), fatigue (17%–43%) and gastrointestinal symptoms (17%–43%) are often a reason to stop this treatment. Topical application of CAI can reduce CM by 30%–81% and improve visual acuity by 19%–37%.7 8 Topical or intravitreal steroids can reduce CM in almost all patients with improvement of visual acuity in ~20%. Important side effects of steroids are high intraocular pressure (>10%) and cataract (>10%), especially when used chronically, which make this a less attractive treatment option.7 8 Vitreoretinal surgery has been shown to significantly reduce foveal thickness (FT) and improve best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in a subset of patients, but it is invasive and can lead to complications such as retinal detachment or macula oedema.7 The above-mentioned treatments are unfortunately not sufficiently effective for all patients or may cause intolerable side effects.
Since ~20 years, somatostatin analogues (SA) have been relatively newcomers in the treatment of refractory CM. Natural somatostatins are 14 and 28 cyclic neuroendocrine peptides, therapeutic analogues are smaller peptides with a longer half-life.9 In the retina, somatostatin is produced by the healthy RPE and somatostatin receptors are expressed at the apical site of the RPE and the neuroretina. The effects of somatostatin are neuroprotection, antiangiogenesis and protection against oxidative stress.9 The first proofs of successful treatment of patients stems from case series for dominant CM, or CM complicating uveitis, and diabetic retinopathy.10–13 To the best of our knowledge, the literature on SA treatment and RP has not yet been reported.14 As the pathophysiology of CM by RP patients differs from uveitis and diabetic retinopathy, we aimed to obtain insights into the effectiveness of SA treatment in RP patients with CM.