The 10 highest impact factor journals were used in this study because the impact factor of the publishing journal was a strong predictor of citations per year,13 therefore, these publications in high-impact factor journals were more likely to be read, and cited by others. We found that all of the journals included in our study endorsed the IPD sharing policy and clearly stated in their instruction to authors. Some journals also encouraged researchers to share these data as soon as possible.
We found that the number of publications with IPD sharing statements is higher than those with clinical trial registry. This might depend on journal publishing regulations in which some of the journals strictly required their publications to include the statement even if they did not declare their clinical trial registration. In terms of declaring IPD sharing statements, authors of publications submitted to strict journal regulations were more likely to adhere to the policy.9
Moreover, our study found that from the total of 42 clinical trials which were willing to share their IPD which was less than a quarter of the total published clinical trials, and less than half of the total clinical trials with IPD sharing statement. A recent review showed a similar trend on a discrepancy between the willingness to share data and the intention to actually share them.6 Most clinical trialists were optimistic and willing to share data, but the actual data sharing rates were between 10% and 46% of total published clinical studies, which was relatively low.6 14
Most authors would like to share IPD on request from other researchers. This sharing method could allow corresponding authors to have control over the data, and be able to withhold the data if the request is not applicable to the purpose of sharing.15 While most authors share on request, a few other clinical trialists used an online data repository platform for sharing IPD which is consistent with the results from a study by Danchev et al.14 Some platforms were specifically created for certain specialties, societies or countries, and each one had its own guidelines and tools for data storage. According to a study by Banzi et al, some data repository platforms cover all research areas, host IPD from clinical studies published in medical journals, and also link the published data from publishers into the platform. There were platforms that exclusively made for sharing clinical research data.16 These platforms could allow researchers to share and retrieve IPD easier, nevertheless, there were still some concerns, for example, potential data breaches, trust of secondary use, lack of knowledge or research requirement, and misinterpretation of the data which are all beyond control.17 Therefore, increasing the amount of dataset previews, linking to clinical trial registries, helping tools and governance on each platform from institutions or government sectors could improve the discoverability, utility and transparency of datasets on online repository platforms.17 18
From the results, we found that only 44% of the clinical trials were registered in a registration platform. Although the clinical trial registration policy has been declared by ICMJE since 2004,3 the rate of registration was still below half of all clinical trials. We also reached out to the corresponding authors of these clinical trials for more details and explanation about the missing clinical trial registration. Some of them did not consider their research as clinical trials, therefore, registration of these studies was not necessary from their perspective. This highlighted the fact that even though the clinical trial registration policy has been implemented for years, some clinical trials still fail to follow the policy.
The results of this study suggest that strict journal submission guidelines on IPD sharing policy can help increase the number of articles endorsing this policy. This is consistent with the results from a previous research on the clinical trial registration policy that journals that are followers of ICJME’s URM guidelines with strict submission guidelines had a greater opportunity to endorse and implement the policy.9
Our evaluation had some limitations. This study is a cross-sectional perspective of the current state on how IPD sharing policy works. The number of studies endorsing and implementing the policy are still growing every year, and the attitude among researchers seems to change over time in favour of IPD sharing.19 Therefore, an update analysis on this matter should be repeatedly assessed in the future. Moreover, our analysis only included publications in top ophthalmology journals which might not be able to be generalised to other research fields since the implementation varies from specialty to specialty. 9 Additionally, we did not extensively explore the researchers’ opinion and perspective on the IPD sharing policy, which could better explain the IPD sharing rate in this study. Future studies are necessary to understand the factors that influence researchers’ decisions on IPD sharing, therefore, they may be helpful in increasing the implementation of the IPD sharing policy. The protocol was not registered with a clinical trial registry, as it was not considered as a clinical study as defined by WHO and ICMJE. However, the methodology was meticulously described to ensure reproducibility by future investigators.
In conclusion, although the IPD sharing policy has been implemented since 2017, the number of IPD sharing among clinical trials published in high-impact factor ophthalmology journals was lower than half, and the number of trials that actually shared IPD was much lower. Besides, only a half of all clinical trials were registered in a clinical trial registry. To improve the rate of endorsement, strict journal submission guidelines and cooperation from researchers were necessary.