Materials and methods
This was a prospective cross-sectional study of consecutive patients being evaluated for CAS and age-matched and sex-matched controls. APOSTEL V.2.0 quantitative OCT reporting guidelines were used.15 The research adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was conducted in accordance with the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The funding source played no role in the design, conduct, analysis, or interpretation of the study, or the decision to publish.
We prospectively enrolled 25 consecutive CAS patients and 14 consecutive controls at 1 tertiary referral centre between September 2021 and February 2023. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients. All CAS patients presented to vascular surgery with symptoms attributable to CAS with carotid duplex ultrasound demonstrating intra-arterial plaques consistent with CAS. Control patients presented to ophthalmology for routine care. Each patient’s clinical history was reviewed, and patients with any documented ocular disease including glaucoma, macular oedema, diabetic retinopathy, intermediate or advanced dry age-related macular degeneration, wet age-related macular degeneration, central serous retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion and retinal artery occlusion were excluded from the analysis.
A colour fundus photo was obtained from each eye of each patient after pupillary dilation. Immediately afterwards, a single PLEX Elite 9000 swept-source OCTA system (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin, California, USA) was used to obtain 6 mm × 6 mm macular OCTA volume scans centred at the fovea of each eye of each patient. APOSTEL V.2.0 reporting criteria for the OCTA scans are included as an online supplemental file 1.
Identification of RIPLs, defined as focal INL thinning with associated ONL expansion and displacement of the OPL without the presence of patient-reported scotoma, was performed on B scans manually by three independent graders with 82% inter-rater agreement, with an additional grader resolving intergrader queries. The OCTA manufacturer’s PLEX Elite 9000 software was used to automatically generate en face 1024-pixel × 1024-pixel images of each of the SCP and DCP, defined according to the ‘current OCTA nomenclature’ per Campbell et al,3 and to remove projection artefact from the DCP images. The foveal avascular zone (FAZ) was manually segmented in each en face reconstruction in Fiji ImageJ 2.9.0/1.53t Java 1.8.0_322 64 bit.16 The location of the centre of each identified RIPL was recorded on a copy of each reconstruction for visualisation (figure 2).
Figure 2Copies of representative automatically segmented superficial capillary plexus (SCP; left) and deep capillary plexus (DCP; middle) en face reconstructions from a single 6 mm × 6 mm optical coherence tomography angiography volume scan after removal of projection artefact from the DCP image. The location of the centre of each identified retinal ischaemic perivascular lesion (RIPL) is represented as either a black circle (SCP, left) or a white circle (DCP, middle), with the RIPLs labeled A, B, and C. Note both the perivascular location of the RIPLs in the SCP image and that artefact from vitreous floaters obscures vessels in the upper right quadrants and toward the upper left corners of the images (white arrows). Quadrants with floaters were excluded from vessel linear density calculations, and RIPLs in or immediately adjacent to such quadrants were excluded from analysis. B scans of the three identified RIPLs are presented at the right (A, B, C).
Two methods, Fiji (‘algorithm 1’) and the manufacturer’s prototype research software (‘algorithm 2’), were used to threshold, binarize and skeletonize the en face SCP and DCP images to show the blood vessels as 1-pixel-wide lines. Fiji’s ‘Analyze Skeleton’ function was used to calculate the length of skeletonised vessels in pixels. VLD was then calculated for each en face image as ((length of vessels in pixels)/(surface area in pixels2))×1024 pixels/6 mm, giving units of per mm, as reported previously.17 18 VT was similarly examined with Fiji’s ‘Analyze Skeleton’ function by dividing the summed total length of all skeletonized blood vessels in pixels by the summed Euclidean distances between consecutive branch points and/or endpoints in pixels, giving a dimensionless ratio as previously described.19 The FAZ was excluded from all VLD and VT calculations. SCP and DCP en face images were also segmented in Fiji into grids of 32-pixel × 32-pixel squares, from which VLD and VT were calculated as described above. VLD values and the location of each square containing the centre of a RIPL (hereafter ‘each square containing a RIPL’) were plotted on a 2D grid for visualisation with Python V.3.10.5 (Python Software Foundation, Wilmington, Delaware, USA) (figure 3).
Figure 3Representative superficial capillary plexus (left) and deep capillary plexus (right) en face vessel linear density (VLD) plots with each square containing a retinal ischaemic perivascular lesion marked with a cross (‘X’), here at coordinates (7,20), (15,7) and (24,20) with origin (0,0) as the upper left square of the grid. Each smaller square represents the average VLD of a 32×32 pixel (187.5 µm × 187.5 µm) square of the original en face optical coherence tomography angiography reconstruction. White represents lower VLD and black represents higher VLD. VLD is expressed in per mm according to the gradient to the right of each plot.
For all analyses, RIPLs located in or immediately adjacent to squares overlapping the FAZ or in or immediately adjacent to quadrants containing vitreous floaters were excluded. Quadrants containing vitreous floaters were excluded from entire-eye VLD and VT calculations. Using Python, the VLD of each square containing an included RIPL was compared with the average VLD of the up to eight immediately adjacent squares with a paired t-test for each of the SCP and DCP (‘RIPL vs immediate surroundings’). The average VLD value of all squares containing an included RIPL in each eye with at least one included RIPL was compared with the average VLD of the entire eye with a paired t-test (‘RIPL(s) vs total macula’). For all patients with one eye with at least one included RIPL and one eye without any RIPLs, the average VLD of fellow eyes was compared with a paired t-test. The average VLD of all eyes with at least one included RIPL was compared with the average VLD of all eyes without any RIPLs with an unpaired t-test. Similar comparisons were performed for VT. All analyses were performed independently for each of the CAS and control groups, for each of the SCP and the DCP, for each of algorithms 1 and 2. A 95% CI was used for each statistical analysis.
All statistical comparisons were performed with GraphPad Prism V.9.4.1 (Dotmatics, Boston, Massachusetts, USA).
Patients and public involvement
Patients or the public were not involved in the design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of our research.