The third epidemic of ROP mostly involves middle income countries, like Egypt where wider NICU availability is increasingly supporting the survival of infants, but suboptimal care and improper oxygen administration and monitoring are resulting in higher rates of ROP among older and heavier infants.25 28 This is especially true in rural settings where higher rates of more severe forms of the disease are reported.29 30 Intravitreal anti-VEGF agents are currently used as a first-line therapy for the treatment of ROP, rather than an adjunctive or supplemental therapy. Despite their ocular advantages, prolonged follow-up is required because of incomplete retinal vascularisation.31 In the current study, we prospectively reported the outcomes of 36 eyes of 18 infants with type 1 ROP (20 eyes) and A-ROP (16 eyes) who received IVB (18 eyes) and IVR (18 eyes). Every patient was his own control, which greatly minimised the effect of the systemic condition, gestational age (GA), birth weight (BW) and weight gain on the results.
We used a second IVI of the same initial anti-VEGF drug for ROP reactivation or failed regression of acute ROP. This helps to purely assess the effect of the two different anti-VEGF drugs without any overlap that may occur due to cross treatment32 or combined treatment.33 We believe that a second injection represents a better alternative to rescue laser photocoagulation34 for ROP recurrence.
Gunay et al35 collected the data of 134 infants (264 eyes) retrospectively. Type 1 ROP or AP-ROP cases received either IVB (55 infants), IVR (22 infants) or diode laser photocoagulation (57 infants). All eyes showed complete resolution of neovascularisation after single injection but recurrence of ROP occurred in 3 of 55 infants (5.5%) treated with IVB, 11 of 22 infants (50%) treated with IVR and 1 of 57 infants (1.7%) treated with laser photocoagulation. The mean time to recurrence after IVR was 8.8±1.5 weeks compared with 14±2.7 weeks with IVB. All infants with recurrence in IVB group required bilateral retreatment. While only 3% with recurrence in IVR group required bilateral retreatment, no difference in retreatment rates.
Unlike our study results in which 4/18 eyes (22.2%) needed reinjection in the IVB group. Meanwhile, 1/18 eyes (5.6%) developed late reactivation after IVR monotherapy. Failed initial plus regression in the IVB group in our study may be explained by deterioration of the intrinsic properties of the molecule or the potency of the drug as a result of the repackaging into plastic syringes36 or duration of the storage.37 Alliquoting of bevacizumab is challenging. It needs to be done with complete aseptic precautions by the compounding pharmacies. Even so, the risk of contamination, degradation of the molecule cannot be completely ruled out. In the absence of compounding pharmacies, the risk is higher.
Alyamac et al38 recorded retrospectively a review of 45 infants (90 eyes) with type 1 ROP-affecting zone I or posterior zone II. IVB group included 44 eyes and IVR group included 46 eyes. Recurrence occurred in 14/23 infants (61%) treated with ranibizumab and 6/22 infants (10%) treated with bevacizumab. 2/6 infants (33%) with recurrence in IVB group required laser photocoagulation was needed as additional treatment for 2/6 infants (33%) with recurrence in IVB group at 43 weeks’ PMA and 2/14 infants (14%) with recurrence in IVR group at 42.5 weeks’ PMA.
Although the reactivation rate in IVR group was much higher than IVB group according to Alyamac et al, the rescue therapy was needed at a higher rate in IVB group in partial agreement with our results. Laser photocoagulation was done for 33% in IVB group, which is higher rate than the current study, mostly because it was done earlier (43 vs 55.67 weeks’ PMA).
Alyamac et al38 revealed that complete retinal vascularisation was detected in the 55.9 weeks’ PMA in IVB group and in the 56.3 weeks’ PMA in IVR group. In the current study, the time of full retinal vascularisation was 51.11 weeks’ PMA in both groups. This 5-week difference is mostly due to the fact that total retinal vascularisation is defined in our study as perfusion within 2 DD from the ora serrata. However, according to Alyamac et al, it was defined as retinal vessels reaching the ora serrata.
Lin and Tsai39 noted that 15/25 eyes (60%) treated with ranibizumab and 7/15 eyes (47%) treated with bevacizumab showed complete retinal vascularisation. The authors assumed that the IVR could achieve more complete retinal vascularisation than IVB because IVR has shorter intravitreal VEGF suppression.39
Kimyon and Mete34 reported a higher recurrence rate (7.1%) than our study, although near similar GA and BW. Several studies with lower GA and BW revealed a higher reactivation rate (20.8%–83%).32 Other studies noted high reactivation rate despite average GA or BW.40 The lower reactivation rate in our study (5.6%) was mostly due to relatively mature infants (later GA and higher BW) than some other studies. Those infants of a younger GA and lower BW would have been more ill with a more serious ROP necessitating earlier intervention, so an early PMA at initial therapy is a risk factor for ROP reactivation.32
Kabatas et al41 analysed the reports of 54 infants (108 eyes) with type 1 ROP who received IVB (24 eyes), IVR (12 eyes) or diode photocoagulation (72 eyes) retrospectively. Recurrence occurred in 2/12 eyes (16%) treated with ranibizumab and 2/24 eyes (8.3%) treated with bevacizumab. According to Kabatas et al,41 complete vascularisation in IVB group was detected at 73±10.1 weeks’ PMA and 61.8±6.6 weeks’ PMA in IVR group.
The number of cases in IVB group is two times that in IVR, so the recurrence rate appeared higher in the latter although two eyes in both groups experienced recurrence of ROP. This explained the different results when compared with ours.
Unlike the current study, mean PMA when maximally vascularised in both IVR and IVB groups was 51.11 weeks. That was a shorter time than Kabatas et al41 mostly because 55.5% of our cases were of type 1 ROP-affecting zone II. While in Kabatas et al41 type 1 ROP, affecting zone I represented 22.2% of eyes in ranibizumab and bevacizumab groups. It is logic that more time is needed to achieve full vascularisation for zone I compared with zone II ROP.
Feng et al42 found that more aggressive forms of ROP at initial IVR injection were significantly correlated with ROP recurrence. Recurrence was detected in 67% eyes with APROP, 38% eyes with threshold ROP and 16% eyes with type 1 prethreshold ROP. Higher recurrence rates in APROP have been noted in premature infants treated with either IVR43 or IVB.35 This is in agreement with our results in which recurrence, that necessitated rescue therapy injection, was seen in 3/16 eyes (18.75%) with APROP, 2/20 eyes (10%) with type 1 ROP.
In the current study, the initial treatment to reactivation interval in IVR group was 13 weeks and 4.25 weeks in IVB group. Wong et al44 noted the shortest reactivation interval (5.9 weeks) after IVR, this might be due to smaller GA (23.48 weeks) and lower BW (620 g) in their study population. Zhang et al45 reported the longest reactivation interval of (12.62±7.93 weeks), and this may be attributed to using a higher dose of ranibizumab (0.3 mg in 0.03 mL).
In this study, it was obvious that IVR was associated with better initial regression of plus (less venous diameter, less arterial toursousity), regression of neovascularisation and straightening of closed vascular loops as early as few days after injection. Also, it promotes better and earlier growth of normal retinal vasculature towards the retinal periphery than IVB. This may be due to shorter intravitreal half-life of ranibizumab. It can theoretically decrease the supplementary laser spots needed and the subsequent destruction of peripheral visual fields, which might offer potential vision benefits.
Still our results were contradictory to previous studies that reported more and faster recurrence with IVR. Most of these studies have been conducted on European,46 Asian46 47 or American population.48 To our knowledge, few studies were conducted among African (Egyptian) infants. So, there may be different levels of VEGF expression, ROP severity and treatment responses in different ethnic groups.45 49
The strength of our study appears as all cases were treated in a prospective manner, minimising the risk of missing data or incomplete examinations. Moreover, all cases were evaluated before and after injection, so that even minute changes are detected and analysed using coloured RetCam-saved photos and clinical examinations by the indirect ophthalmoscopy.
In many studies which compare the two medications in infants with ROP, one group of patients received IVR and a different group received IVB. In this study, the patient was his own control, receiving one drug in one eye and the other drug in the contralateral eye. This greatly minimises the effect of the systemic condition, birth weight, gestational age and weight gain on our results.
Our study had a relatively small sample size. The follow-up period was enough to document ocular efficacy of the two drugs, but relatively short to document systemic safety. The study targeted the assessment of ocular efficacy of the two anti-VEGF drugs, of which one holds a clear price advantage. Ranibizumab (Lucentis) is up to 50 times more expensive than bevacizumab (Avastin)50 so health services in our developing countries could make significant savings by using bevacizumab (Avastin). Though fundus fluorescein angiography is a useful tool in observing retinal vascular morphology and development, it was not used in our study. Our study population characteristics of higher BW and older GA were different compared with the previous publications. So, the results cannot be generalised especially for highly developed countries.