Retinal vein occlusions (RVOs) are severe causes of visual impairment that occur more frequently in the elderly population.1 2 RVOs affect vessels of different sizes and can be segmented into six main categories, including ischaemic central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), non-ischaemic CRVO, ischaemic branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO), non-ischaemic BRVO, ischaemic Hemi-CRVO and non-ischaemic Hemi-CRVO.3 The aetiology underlying RVOs is not well understood. Previous studies have demonstrated that risk factors associated with RVOs include age, hypertension, elevated homocysteine levels, open angle glaucoma, obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidaemia and antiphospholipid antibodies.4–9 It has been postulated that patients with clotting cascade mutations involving factor V Leiden and prothrombin, in addition to patients with deficiencies in physiological coagulation inhibitors such as plasminogen activator inhibitor, may also be at higher risk for RVO.7 10 11
Elevated homocysteine levels may lead to a hypercoagulable state, with some studies reporting this to be an independent risk factor for arterial and venous thrombotic diseases, such as stroke and coronary artery disease.12–14 Data from previous studies investigating the relationship between elevated homocysteine levels and incidence of RVO have been mixed, with some suggesting a positive association,10 15–17 or no association.18 Similarly, mixed findings have also been published regarding the relationship between C677T and A1298C methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) genotype polymorphisms and RVO.15–19
Homocysteine is an amino acid derived from methionine whose metabolism is facilitated by three enzymes: methionine synthetase, MTHFR and cystathionine synthetase.20 Folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and flavin adenine dinucleotide are coenzymes necessary for these reactions.20 It has been reported that elevated levels of homocysteine may lead to vascular disease via a combination of vascular endothelial dysfunction, vascular smooth muscle proliferation and coagulation abnormalities, leading to venous thrombosis.21 Predisposing factors of elevated homocysteine levels include diseases such as hypothyroidism, renal failure, proliferative diseases, and type II diabetes mellitus, drugs such as metformin, estrogens, methotrexate, levodopa, and alcohol, vitamin deficiencies including folate, B12, B6 and polymorphisms of the MTHFR gene.22 It has been reported that a homozygous C677T polymorphism may result in a 70% decrease in MTHFR enzyme function,23 and a compound heterozygous A1298C and C677T polymorphism may result in a 50%–60% decrease in MTHFR enzyme function.24
Supplementation with the coenzymes necessary for homocysteine metabolism, specifically vitamins B12, B6 and B9, may increase the efficiency of the viable homocysteine metabolising pathways enough to reduce homocysteine levels to a normal level. It has been reported that folic acid supplementation (0.5–5 mg/day) can reduce total homocysteine levels by 25%, and B12 supplementation (0.5 mg/day) can reduce total homocysteine levels by an additional 7%, with a combination therapy reducing homocysteine levels up to 33%.25 26 Hence, the objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of elevated homocysteine levels in patients with RVO and to investigate the association of supplementation with B complex vitamins (BCVs), multivitamins (MVIs) or a combination of both (MVI+BCV) on homocysteine levels in these patients.