In this study, we chose the hAM to act as a supportive biological membrane for culturing hESC-RPE cells.
Human amniotic membrane consists of a single cell layer of epithelium stretched out over a thick BM mainly constituted of type IV collagen and laminin α5, and an avascular stroma composed of interstitial collagen and elastin.30 Alongside its biocompatibility attributes, the hAM has been well tolerated during experimental surgery in rat retina and shown to stimulate the proliferation of RPE cells in a pig model of choroidal neovascularisation.31
With the aim of providing a dynamic microenvironment capable of mimicking the natural structure of Bruch’s membrane, our first goal was to identify the most effective process to denude the hAM without damaging the underlying BM. Another important rationale of the de-epithelialisation process was to minimise the immunogenic potential of the hAM in future transplantation experiments, thus decreasing the possibility of a graft failure.32–34 In addition, the denuding protocol was expected to reduce inter-donor and intra-donor variability among different batches of amniotic membrane,35 36 and also to increase transparency by lessening the thickness of the tissue. We precluded a whole decellularisation of the hAM samples, in order to preserve important stromal factors critical for cell expansion and wound healing.37 38 We employed enzyme-based methods to avoid the long treatment time necessary with the use of chemical reagents such as EDTA or SDS.34 39–41
The great variability in specimen thickness was determined by the progressive thinning of the hAM the farther the sample was taken from the umbilical cord.42 OCT evaluation before and after the processing of the hAM allowed us to perform a preliminary morphological assessment of the membrane, evaluating the quality and the thickness of the tissue samples either before or after enzymatic treatment. The paucity of literature on the OCT study of hAM limited the confidence of our findings, especially concerning the results of the enzymatic treatments.43 Additionally, the software used by the tomographs at our disposal was less than ideal for the task of tissue sample imaging and measuring, given that it had been developed for the in vivo study of cornea and retina.
Laminin α5 and CIV were used to assess the integrity of the hAM’s BM. Immunofluorescence staining of the dhAM revealed that all of the three tested de-epithelialisation approaches successfully removed the epithelial cells from hAM surface, but that there was a significant difference between the methods as regards the damage to the BM. In our study, dispase II turned out to be the less safe method for the BM, with a tendency to dissolve several extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules.44 It also tended to affect the stroma, in line with what had been observed previously by others. In the field of in vivo ocular surface reconstruction, the maintenance of hAM’s stromal growth factors seems to be crucial in wound healing and inflammation reduction after hAM transplantation.45 We speculated that these factors could also be beneficial after the introduction of the hAM into the subretinal space of patients with retinal dystrophy. Incubation with trypsin-EDTA 0.25% kept the BM still mostly intact and maintained stromal integrity. Similar results were obtained with thermolysin, which is a zinc neutral heat-stable metalloproteinase.46 After thermolysin treatment, we generated a fully dhAM with intact BM and stroma.
Since immunofluorescence alone was not enough to confirm both integrity and eventual minor structural modification of the BM during treatments,27 30 we set up hESC-derived RPE cell cultures on different pretreated hAMs to highlight any dissimilarities between the cultures. Previous reports on the use of hAM as a biological matrix to sustain RPE growth and differentiation involved primary native RPE cells derived from animal sources or human donors.20–24 Nevertheless, to our knowledge, there is only one research group working with hESC-RPE cells cultured over dhAM.17 25 47
In our hands, hESC-RPE cells seeded over de-epithelialised hAM revealed different outcomes between the performed experiments. We achieved an uneven monolayer of hESC-RPE cells, mainly made of patches of cells scattered along the membrane and interspersed between empty areas of basal membrane. These clusters of cells resembled the typical morphology and pigmentation of RPE cells. The same pattern was observed on cryosections of RPE cells cultured over hAM and stained for RPE 65 and PMEL17. The latter is an integral membrane protein exclusively expressed in pigmented cells and a key component of mammalian melanosome biogenesis. On the other hand, the essential isomerohydrolase RPE65 is involved in the regeneration of the photoreceptor visual pigment during the visual cycle.48 The expression of the two markers confirmed the formation of a patchy layer of cells on top of the dhAM, with areas devoid of cells. These results showed that in the case the cells adhered and they were able to differentiate properly, they did not form a confluent monolayer. In the aforementioned papers regarding the potential of the hAM to sustain native RPE cells culture,20–24 the fetal tissue was mostly denuded by enzymatic method, such as 0.25% trypsin and dispase, whereas our study, consistent with more recent findings,27 44 45 underlined the risk of compromising the BM after the use of such enzymes. Considering the results of the research groups who experimented the culture of native RPE cells over dhAM, we dealt with queer outcomes and incomplete information. Capeáns et al showed patches of RPE cells surrounded by areas of bare membrane, demonstrating the attachment of the cells and their organisation in tight colonies of large cuboidal to round cells, but no evidence of a confluent monolayer.21 In the cases where a monolayer of RPE cells was achieved,20 22 23 the morphology appears to be seriously jeopardised. Furthermore, the use of native RPE cells could have a significant difference in cell adhesion and proliferation on the dhAM compared with hESC-derived RPE cells. The full in vitro derivation may explain the hardship of these cells to efficiently proliferate over a whole new biological environment, while the isolated primary RPE cells would better recover in a substrate resembling the natural milieu of the Bruch’s membrane.24 Future studies on hESC-RPE cells molecular features are needed to validate this latter hypothesis.
It has been proven that cell behaviour on a matrix largely depends on ECM components, that communicate with the cells through cell surface receptors known as integrins, and transmembrane receptors which play an essential role as sensors of the ECM microenvironment.49 The interaction between ECM proteins and integrins assures cell adhesion and migration over the selected substrate.50 Based on these considerations, we hypothesised a mismatch between the surface molecules and the corresponding cell receptors.51 Further tests are needed to establish if this may be linked to a cell deficiency or a partial damage of the BM of dhAM. To invalidate this latter option, a proper electron microscopy examination on thermolysin-treated hAM specimens should be performed, as a way of conclusively confirming BM integrity.27 The hAM preservation process could also have a negative influence on the culture of hESC-RPE cells over the tissue. Indeed, cryopreservation has been reported to cause severe changes on hAM morphology and biochemical composition.35 In respect of RPE cells, the use of the same derivation protocol from pluripotent stem cells ensured the manufacturing of high-quality hESC-RPE cells (online supplemental appendix A) and to minimise the variability between different batches of cells. Having tested several of these batches, we concluded that although in some cases the cells were able to adhere, they failed to proliferate on the membrane.
Cultures on dhAM were carried out for a maximum of 4 weeks. After this time, a severe loss of tissue integrity could be appreciated following histological examination. PEDF protein secretion levels were measured for hESC-RPE cells cultured on precoated TC inserts and over hAM for 4 weeks. Comparable levels of PEDF were found between the upper medium of hESC-RPE cells cultivated either on precoated TC inserts or dhAM after 4 weeks. While minimal PEDF secretion was detected in the basal medium of hESC-RPE cells grown on precoated TC inserts, a large amount of PEDF was found in the basal medium of hESC-RPE cells cultured over hAM, equivalent to that one obtained in the apical medium of these samples. These data could lead to different explanations. First, it may suggest a role of the hAM in the production of PEDF. Shao et al reported that PEDF is usually expressed in hAM and contributes to the antiangiogenic and anti-inflammatory activities of hAM. In his study, PEDF levels were comparable to those in the human retina, a tissue rich in PEDF.52 Such findings indicate that PEDF expression after 4 weeks of culture of hESC-RPE cells onto hAM could result from the hAM itself and not from the RPE cells growing onto it. On the other side, the presence of a large PEDF amount in the basal conditioned medium of the hESC-RPE cells cultured over hAM could further prove the lack of a complete RPE cells monolayer on the hAM, since PEDF could soak into cell-free membrane areas.
The biological characteristics of hAM in terms of donor variations have been proven to have a major impact on their physical and chemical properties.53 The lack of transparency due to the wide variation in the thickness of the membranes supplied made it hard to follow the fate of the hESC-RPE cells seeded over the tissue. As reported elsewhere, membrane thickness has been correlated with the location in relation to the placenta. OCT imaging evaluation of the thickness could therefore help understanding the distance from the umbilical cord,42 thus enabling the selection of the best tissue samples with the utmost transparency. Furthermore, the extensive variability of the membranes prevented us from finding a standardised protocol for the handling of the tissue. Age of the donor, as well as gestational age have been shown to affect tissue composition,36 which may lead to different cell culture outcomes. An early characterisation of the tissue would be preferred prior to any research or clinical use, to select the best tissue to be used as biological substitute to support the host cells.
Ben M'Barek and colleagues demonstrated in their work that the hAM efficiently supports the culture of human pluripotent stem cell-derived RPE cells.17 However, stressing on the reproducibility limit of the hAM application for the RPE cells, in their results they suggest to check the adhesion of the RPE cells few days after cell seeding. This remark raises the hypothesis of a possible failure in cell attachment as evidence of the variability of the experimental procedure.
This study was limited to a specific biological sample. Our research would benefit from testing RPE cells differentiated from others than hESC WA09 cell lines or multiple WA09 clones. Another potential limitation lies in the inability to conduct additional assays due to hAM thickness. Selecting hAM samples according to thickness might overcome this problem.
In conclusion, although hAM has long been considered an advantageous scaffold in tissue engineering, our results showed that the culture of the WA09 (WiCell Research Institute, Madison, Wisconsin, USA) human embryonic stem cell line-derived RPE cells failed in forming a continuous monolayer over the denuded membrane. Inability of these cells to regenerate a fully functional epithelium onto the support could be due to the previous treatment of the BM. Furthermore, inter-donor and intra-donor factors, as well as hAM processing and storage, should be carefully considered when working on tissue transplantation, where donor selection must be of primary importance.
The lack of standardisation and reproducibility we faced in our work lead us to send up a red-flag to those who intend to use this tissue for cell therapy approaches.
Scaffold-based methods hold great potential in retina tissue engineering, but the development of reliable materials is mandatory. In the field of regenerative medicine, where the candidate therapeutic must comply strictly to Good Manufacturing Practice rules to ensure utmost efficacy and safety, the hAM’s path from the bench to the clinic seems to be filled with barriers.