Risk reduction
When evaluating 2300 children at age 3–4, from a community based population, if we consider treatment effectiveness as reaching BCVA≥0.7 in both eyes, screening once at age 3–4 may reduce the risk of amblyopia in an adult by 87% (RRR), with ARR of 2.1%. For each 48 children screened, one adult with amblyopia is prevented in the future (NNS). Although with some limitations, it is the first report of these objective epidemiological measures regarding amblyopia screening. As recommended, ARR and NNS were calculated after excluding previously diagnosed/under treatment amblyopia,12 since the impact (the risk reduction) of a screening programme cannot include previously diagnosed children (it would give a higher, that is, better, but biased, ARR=3.0%).
In the present study, global amblyopia treatment effectiveness was 83%. In a cohort of 3216 children in Sweden followed from birth to age 10 years,13 amblyopia prevalence at age 4 was 2.9% and, at age 7, only 47% of those children achieved BCVA≥0.7 after screening and treatment.13 14 Those children were accessed at 1–3 days after birth for red reflex by a paediatrician, at 6–12 weeks and 6, 18 and 36 months for ocular media and alignment abnormalities by paediatrician or general practitioner and at age 4–5 VA (VA) was assessed by nurses. At that time, the author speculated14 whether evaluating VA at age 3 would change the scenario. As examinations done by our paediatricians/general practitioners since birth are similar to what was done in Sweden, and both studies have a high population participation rate, we think our better results could be attributed to one or all of the following: (1) diagnosing amblyopia at age 3–4 may lead to better treatment results, because of amblyopia earlier diagnosis; (2) VA assessment could have higher false negatives when done by non-eye professionals (in our cohort, 20% of all amblyopias had been considered normal by VA assessment by non-eye professionals prior to our evaluation); (3) the ‘post-PEDIG (Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group)-studies-era’ may permit amblyopia treatment with better compliance than 15 years ago; (4) in their study, not all children that achieved BCVA≥0.7 at age 4–5, maintained that VA at age 7–10. These questions should encourage future studies.
Moreover, our refractive amblyopia treatment effectiveness was 91%, and all children surpassed MEPEDS BCVA criteria, showing this amblyopia subtype has better treatment response. Furthermore, when looking at the children with non-refractive amblyopia, only four did not surpass amblyopia criteria, despite those four children were already under treatment before enrolment (two with strabismic amblyopia and two with organic amblyopia). For these reason, we speculate that screening earlier would not improve these values.
As a limitation to our assumptions calculating NNS: (1) we do not know if children with ARFs but without amblyopia, will develop amblyopia in the future, though we speculate that late-onset new-cases would be easier to treat; (2) some cases of amblyopia, not diagnosed at age 3–4, may still be diagnosed/treated/solved in the future (that may be our study main limitation) and (3) BCVA≥0.7 after treatment, may recur in longer follow-up, but we believe that, as these children should be kept under follow-up, if they recur, they will be treatable. NNS is time specific measure and our follow-up was only 14 months. Nevertheless, we believe it may not have relevant impact in NNS, since most new diagnosis, when screening at age 3–4, are refractive with low recurrence rates.
Prevalence of amblyopia and its risk factors
Amblyopia prevalence varies widely among different studies (0.6%–5.5%),11 because it depends on various factors.15 16 Besides population settings and the criteria applied, it also depends on the time of the diagnosis. In our cohort, amblyopia prevalence was 2.4%. We had 8% ARFs, what is lower than published for tertiary centres,9 as expected. However, if we adjust amblyopia prevalence to our BCVA normative previously published,8 amblyopia prevalence in 3–4 years old children was 3.4% (n=79), and at least 4.2% children had or have had amblyopia (n=96).
Refractive and strabismic amblyopia were not likely to be diagnosed the same way. Without a previous screening programme, 82% of refractive amblyopia were not followed at age 3–4 (and in all of those, parents said they did not intend to go to an ophthalmologist within the next year as they suspected nothing in their child), while most strabismic amblyopias were already under treatment. It seems that strabismic amblyopic children are sent to the ophthalmologist earlier, either because they develop signs perceived by paediatricians or primary care practitioners/parents, or because they belong to high-risk groups,11 with earlier referrals.
Regarding refractive versus strabismic amblyopia prevalence, we know from our hospital database that we have a ratio of 1.5:1.0,17 while in the present study, we have a ratio of 3.0:1.0 (ie, halved for strabismus). In a school basis population study in Portugal (children 6–11 years old), strabismus prevalence was 4%, also twice the 2.1% strabismus in the present study.18 We think these differences are due to two main causes: (1) from the 4% children that did not participate in our evaluation, many were already followed by an ophthalmologist, some with strabismus, according to their teachers and (2) Many strabismus are in syndromic and/or high-risk children who do not attempt school at age 3–4 and are already under ophthalmology and other hospital specialties follow-up; So, past or present history of amblyopia is possibly higher than 4.2% described above, showing the magnitude of amblyopia and the need to address it as a public health problem.
Although 0.7% children, without amblyopia, needed a second evaluation because of fundus findings, all revealed to be minor findings, for which we speculate that fundus screening at age 3–4 years, in a whole-screening population basis, may not be necessary.
If screening was before age 3, when collaboration in VA to confirm diagnosis is difficult, and while there is no technology that helps us to accurately diagnose amblyopia in pre-verbal children, assuming we would treat all ARF, number needed to harm (figure 4) would be 23 for an attributable risk of 4.4% based on children we would need to overtreat (children with ARFs that at age 3–4 had no amblyopia and were not followed by ophthalmology yet). That means that for each 23 children screened before 3–4, one child would be unnecessarily treated. Whether that children will or not develop amblyopia in the future, is a pertinent question for future studies.
Harms of screening come from three different aspects of a screening programme: overdiagnosis, incidentalomas and false positives. Amblyopia screening before age 3 leads to an increase of all these three aspects. ‘Get tested, diagnose disease early, and be treated while the problem is ‘small’ before it becomes ‘big’.19 In short, harms are the result of both looking harder (more screening leads to more ‘diagnosis’) and lower thresholds for a positive diagnosis (technology and medical advances).19 Amblyopia overdiagnosis means a child is diagnosed with amblyopia, treated as amblyopic, but that disease, if left untreated, would never had any impact in that person’s life. It means children wearing glasses, eye patches or eye drops they may not need. Those over treatments may (or not) have impact in children’s health, either social interaction, psychological harms or even emmetropisation.20–28 All these aspects should be studied carefully in the future.29 30 Screening only after 3 years old, means we can confirm presence of amblyopia in children having both ARF and abnormal BCVA. ARF is not always equal to amblyopia, either in refractive or strabismus, even if assessed indirectly through preference looking in the later.31
The major randomised trial32 favouring universal earlier screening should be interpreted with caution. They compared amblyopia prevalence at age 7.5 in two groups: children submitted to an intense vision screening at 8/12/18/25/31/37 months (n=1088) vs a one-time-screen at 37 months (n=826). Although they found no difference in amblyopia prevalence for unilateral amblyopia (which is by far the most prevalent type), they favoured the intense earlier screening based on the differences found in prevalence of VA≤0.4 in the worst eye (0.63% vs 1.81%, p=0.02). However, for their sample (n=1914), the χ2=5.6, with one degree of freedom reported, we calculated an r-based effect size: r2=0.0029. That means that only 0.29% of their statistically significant results are explained by the different kind of screenings. We did the same regarding unilateral amblyopia (although they reported non-significance with p=0.06) and we obtained an effect size of 0.0018. Since small little differences can be found as statistically significant when we increase sample sizes, p values must always be interpreted with care, and effect size is mandatory to establish clinical significance. Furthermore, if a child at age 7.5 has the worst seeing eye<=0.4, it implies having unilateral amblyopia in most cases. These results, in our perspective, show no clinical significance.
Hypothetically theorising that treating all our new diagnosis before age 3–4 would lead to all those children with BCVA>=0.7 (what might be an excessive speculation), screening before age 3–4 would have a maximal difference in ARR of 0.3%, with the possible burden of as much as 70% children wearing unnecessary glasses before age 3–4.
Finally, although not being a screening programme, but rather a complete eye examination, the present study gives valuable information for future screening programmes and policies. If a high-sensitivity screening method is provided (which should be looked at in future studies to avoid this complete examination), screening at ages 3–4 is highly effective. Using lower sensitivity screenings may not lead to the same outcomes.
In conclusion, diagnosing and treating amblyopia at ages 3–4 (in a whole-population setting, without a previous screening programme) is highly effective. This study reinforces the current evidence that amblyopia screening in a whole-population setting before age 3 may not be necessary. Basic ophthalmological evaluations by primary care (red reflex since birth, plus cover test and corneal reflexes), as well as recognising high-risk children need to continue and be encouraged since they result in earlier high-risk children referrals