Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of significant and irreversible central vision loss in developed countries.1 The burden of vision loss due to progression of disease has a profound effect on quality of life and ability to function independently. As the global population ages, the prevalence of AMD is rapidly increasing. Worldwide, AMD prevalence estimates project approximately 200 million by 2020 and increasing to nearly 300 million by 2040.2 This considerable impending global burden of AMD has accelerated the development of new treatment and management paradigms.3 There have been significant advances in the clinical management of patients with AMD to slow progression, prevent blindness and in some cases even restore vision.3 However, although these revolutionary treatments exist, many patients still suffer irreversible vision loss due to poor detection of the early and subtle changes in visual function resulting in late presentation to their eye care providers. It is known that early intervention in exudative AMD can lead to superior outcomes, therefore the importance of exploring sensitive, convenient and inexpensive methods of detecting early disease severity cannot be underestimated in an effort to improve patients’ visual outcomes and quality of life.
The earliest changes in visual dysfunction, common in a variety of conditions impacting the central retina, involve the ability to discern low levels of contrast4 5 and distinguish colour.6 7 Contrast sensitivity has been shown to be a sensitive measure of visual function.8–10 In AMD, it has been established that contrast sensitivity function worsens with increasing drusen accumulation and progression of disease.11 Traditional methods of evaluating contrast sensitivity use research protocols for retroilluminated high and low contrast visual acuity charts. Similarly, impairment of colour vision is one of the earliest manifestations of retinal disease.12 13 In particular, AMD has been shown to lead to a larger loss of blue–yellow sensitivity over red–green sensitivity.12 13 Measuring subtle degenerative colour vision changes involves using complex tests such as the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 hue test.
Despite evidence supporting the usefulness of these contrast and colour vision screening tools in detecting and monitoring AMD severity, these assessments are time consuming and require specialised equipment and interpretation, making them difficult to implement in clinical practice. Previously studied in migraine headache,14 Parkinson’s disease15 and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,16 the King-Devick Variable Color Contrast Sensitivity Chart (VCCSC) is an iOS platform application that is available on a portable mobile or tablet. Variable contrast levels as well as colour contrast presentations can be adjusted to allow simultaneous assessment of visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and colour vision. The application automatically sets the tablets to full brightness to ensure uniformity across repeated measures and was developed against the gold standard Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) charts for contrast. Studies evaluating stability and comparison of tablet displays with traditional charts have shown positive results with the tablet testing platform.17 Tablet computers have shown less interdevice variability, higher contrast and better luminance uniformity than standard contrast sensitivity charts in both lights-on and lights-off environments.17 Overall, iPad tablets matched or marginally outperformed ETDRS charts in terms of photometric compliance with high contrast acuity standards.17 This study aimed to determine which colour contrast sensitivity differences exist in early to advanced AMD and examine the potential utility of the King-Devick VCCSC in detecting AMD severity.