Our small retrospective case series of 30 eyes clearly shows that treatment with the FAc implant is associated with notable reductions in treatment burden, satisfactory VA and CSFT results and markedly improved CSFT stability for the 12 months after the FAc implant compared with the 12 months prior to its implantation.
Patients with DME have heavy treatment burden. Studies have shown that patients with DME average one doctor’s appointment every 2 weeks.7 Intensive injection regimens can negatively impact both the patient and caretaker’s quality of life, and secondarily compliance with and adherence to treatment. Studies have shown that for every injection visit, more than half of working patients take a day off and more than 70% additionally need a caretaker’s assistance. Patients become anxious with injections with over half experiencing anxiety for at least 2 days leading up to the injection.12
From a therapeutic perspective, it is well established that all approved therapies for DME, except the FAc implant, require regular and repeated treatment visits to maintain a therapeutic effect.14 In contrast, a single injection of an FAc implant creates a therapeutic effect that lasts for up to 3 years.16 In the current study, the FAc therapeutic effect was adequate as monotherapy for DME control in most patients for the 12-month period after FAc implant injection. Treatment burden was significantly reduced regardless of pre-FAc VA. Whether the healthcare economics of this unique, durable and effective treatment option for patients with DME which alters and may improve practice resource utilisation is more cost effective than the recurrent repeated treatment visits associated with other approved DME treatments is an important area for future study.
Although randomised clinical trials support the benefits of monthly intravitreal injections, evidence from RCTs may not apply to real‐world practice, where patients are often less-treated and less‐monitored than the RCTs recommendations.17 Prior to FAc implantation, our patients were treated less frequently (every 2.6 months) than published treatment regimens of RCTs8 18 19 much like two large, real-world studies from the USA (ie, USER and PALADIN) where patients received about 1 injection every 3 months regardless of the baseline VA.12 14 15 This may represent a real-world ceiling effect inherent to DME treatment of patients not enrolled in a RCTs.20
The benefit of the FAc implant in reducing the injection burden while maintaining or improving anatomical and functional outcomes has been clearly demonstrated in both RCT21 and real-world studies.14 15 21 Our VA, OCT and treatment burden data were completely congruent with these reports showing a 70% reduction in injection frequency with 63% of patients not requiring additional injections after the FAc implant was administered. Our study is the first to look at the ophthalmology visit burden and stratify this by ophthalmic subspecialty in addition to treatment burden. After administration of the FAc implant, our patients had significantly fewer ophthalmology visits (27%). This was largely due to a 37% reduction in retina-related visits secondary to a 70% reduction in retina treatment visits. Despite cataract and glaucoma being known side effects of corticosteroid therapy, there was minimal to no increase in cataract or glaucoma related visits in our patient cohort. This is in part due to the high percentage of pseudophakic patients (83%) in our study population as well as the relatively short 12-month follow-up after the FAc implant in terms of the timeline of cataract formation. Of the five phakic patients, four (80%) had cataract progression and three (60%) had cataract surgery in the 12 months after the FAc implant. Nonetheless, our study suggests that the reduction of retinal injection visits does not appear to come at the expense of significantly increased visits to manage IOP and cataract events. Also, the reduction of injection visits after the FAc implant was not associated with a reduction in retinal clinic visits to monitor the clinical progression of diabetic retinopathy and DME.
All patients in our cohort received a prior course of a corticosteroid without a clinically significant rise in IOP, as required by the US FDA-approved label. Other real-world reports have validated that this approach significantly mitigates the risk of an uncontrolled IOP response.22 Our study further supports the risk mitigating effect of the US indication verbiage. The steroid IOP effects were predictable and manageable in our cohort of patients.
Reduced injection and clinic visit frequency may improve patient adherence to treatment. This is suggested by the stronger concordance between RCTs and real-world studies of patients receiving the FAc implant compared with RCT and real-world studies of patients receiving anti-VEGF injections for DME.11 18 19 Patients that require frequent injections but are not able to comply with frequent clinic visits may be able to receive adequate treatment with fewer clinic visits after the FAc implant with potentially better oedema control and long term visual outcomes due to better treatment adherence. We did not investigate the healthcare economic aspects of therapy with the FAc implant but strongly suggest this as an important area for future study.
The improved stability of CSFT measurements has been previously reported by our group in the setting of retinal thickness amplitude (RTA) calculations performed on USER, PALADIN and FAME study data sets.23 These variability measures have been found to correlate better with VA than individual CSFT measurements.14 The present patient cohort strictly excluded any previously reported patients from any of these three previously reported trials and represents a fourth data set that demonstrates improved CSFT stability following treatment with the FAc implant compared with pre-FAc implant. This study is the first report of using the SD of the CSFT signal to quantify the variability and this may prove to be a more accurate and precise way to characterise CSFT stability than other measures such as RTA, although this needs to be confirmed in future work. RTA only reports the difference between the maximum and minimum values of CSFT over a defined follow-up period ignoring all other data points whereas CSFT SD factors in all available data. We recommend using measures of CSFT and VA stability over time (whether RTA or SD) as potential useful measures of DME (and potentially other disease state) treatment efficacy and durability.
As with all retrospective studies, there are significant limitations to our study. ETDRS letter scores were calculated from non-standardised Snellen VA. Different intravitreal injections and lasers were counted equally regardless of their duration of the action. Physician criteria for those who were treated with the FAc implant were not defined and patient selection evolved over time as might be expected with any new treatment. We had a high number of pseudophakic patients limiting the strength of our conclusions regarding cataract formation and the treatment burdens associated with managing cataracts post-treatment with the FAc implant. There were only a limited number of subjects with 12 months of follow-up and insufficient power for important subanalyses.
Nonetheless, we conclude that the treatment burden was reduced after the FAc implant in our cohort of 30 eyes in the setting of predictable and favourable anatomical and visual results in patients with DME. Both treatment burden and ophthalmology visit burden were reduced by a clinically meaningful magnitude. Lesser treatment burden may reduce the challenges associated with monthly treatment visits in patients with diabetes who need frequent healthcare provider visits. The reduction in retina visit burden did not come at the price of less frequent retina monitoring visits or at the price of increased glaucoma/IOP or cataract visits. Less variability of CSFT over time after the FAc implant also supports the notion that long-term sustained release therapy may be associated with more stable anatomic and visual results when compared with the imperfect implementation of frequent intravitreal injection recommendations of RCTs in the real-world.