This report presents the study design and the preliminary findings of ortho-k subjects participating in a longitudinal study exploring the efficacy of myopia control using ortho-k with higher compression factor. Although an extra 1 D target was added in the ICF group, there was only 0.30 D difference in the manifest refractive sphere between ICF and CCF groups. The results were in agreement with an earlier short-term study.24 The under-correction could be due to several factors. The first factor could be the time of data collection. The amount of manifest refraction could be dependent on the time of day when the measurement was made, the reported daytime regression by previous investigators was about 0.25 D to 0.50 D3 25 26 or even less than 0.25 D27; however, this factor should affect both the ortho-k groups and contribute minimally to the between-group difference. Although this factor could potentially affect the measured manifest refraction, subjects could not all be measured at the same time because of the limited resources. In this study, all measurements were performed during daytime and the diurnal variation was controlled by scheduling all the data collection visits at about the same time of day as the baseline visit. The second potential contributing factor could be the relatively short wearing period: the increased target may take a longer time to stabilise, although a previous study has shown that the manifest refractive power stabilised after 1 month of lens wear.27 Another explanation is that there may be a corneal mechanism, which is related to the corneal structural properties,28 that could limit the amount of corneal changes, hence affecting the manifest refractive power changes.
Peripheral corneal steepening along with the corneal power change induced in ortho-k will affect the peripheral retinal defocus. Three studies have investigated the association between the post-ortho-k corneal power change and axial elongation and revealed that a higher amount of corneal power change was associated with better retardation in axial elongation,17–19 although one study20 reported contradictory findings of no association between corneal power change after short-term and long-term ortho-k lens wear and eye growth. The discrepancies may be due to differences in defining the corneal region and the amount of corneal power change in each study.
The exact mechanisms for optical treatments, including ortho-k, in retardation of axial elongation are still unclear. One popular hypothesis for the effect of slowing axial elongation is that it is due to myopic defocus induced by the optical interventions.16 29 30 The effect of retinal defocus on axial elongation using animal models is well documented.31–33 There appears to be no significant correlation found between peripheral refraction and myopia progression in humans.34 However, myopia progression may be related to the hyperopic defocus and higher-order aberration of the eye.35–38
It has been shown that in a contralateral self-controlled study, increasing the compression factor by 1.00 D significantly increases the incidence of ocular higher-order aberrations, primarily spherical aberration.36 This increase could therefore improve the myopia control efficacy as axial elongation has been shown to be related to a visually driven mechanism.35 37 38 Lau et al have shown that higher-order aberration was associated with axial elongation; however, because of the study design, it is unclear whether the effect was due to change in aberration as a result of refractive correction or change in aberration due to normal ageing.39 Ocular higher-order aberrations are also measured in the current study and these will be investigated at the end of this study, after 2 years of lens wear.
The initial AL shortening after commencement of ortho-k treatment was significantly higher in the ICF group after 1 month of lens wear, which is in agreement with our previous study.40 The anterior segment length has been shown to be unaffected by ortho-k lens wear41 and CCT thinning in the ICF group only accounted for around 30% of the total AL shortening after 1 month of lens wear. The source of the remaining AL shortening was unclear, although it has been suggested to be due to thickening of the choroid.42 Retinal defocus in animals and human studies43–47 have demonstrated choroidal thickness changes both in response to exposure to spectacle lenses of myopic46 or hyperopic defocus,47 and in ortho-k-treated eyes.48 49 Again, the choroidal thickness changes and its association between the AL will be investigated at the end of this longitudinal study.
Originally, this current longitudinal study was planned as a randomised clinical trial with three arms; however, because of the popularity of using ortho-k lenses as a treatment in controlling myopia progression in Hong Kong, a partially randomised study design has to be adopted, owing to the high refusal rate in the control group. Popularity of ortho-k for myopia control is likely to be linked to the increase in evidence of the ability of ortho-k to slow myopia progression.9–15 An investigation of parents’ knowledge of methods for myopia control in Hong Kong revealed that ortho-k was the most widely known method.50 Parents are concerned about myopia progression and eager to seek ortho-k treatment for their children, leading to difficulties in recruitment of control subjects in recent studies, making a fully randomised study design impractical.
The spherical power achieved at 1 month for the ICF group was significantly more hyperopic than that of the CCF group. Despite a higher amount of refractive error correction, which might imply a higher exertion of pressure on the cornea, there were no significant differences in external ocular health, in terms of corneal staining between the two ortho-k groups. As well as corneal staining, pigmented arc is another commonly observed change at the mid-peripheral cornea after commencement of ortho-k wear.51 52 A pigmented arc was found in one subject in the CCF group at the 1-month visit and none in the ICF group. Although the refractive change was more rapid in the ICF group, the formation of a pigmented arc was not enhanced in the ICF group, at least, not in the first month of lens wear.
In conclusion, the preliminary results of this study indicated that the increased 1 D in compression factor increased myopia correction without compromising ocular health or the first fit success rate. ICF ortho-k lenses are therefore safe to be used by children and could reduce the time for children to achieve full refractive correction. This study is the first long-term longitudinal study to investigate the differences in efficacy of myopia control and ocular responses between ICF and CCF ortho-k. The results of this study may lead to development of a new ortho-k lens design and provide a better understanding of the mechanism of ortho-k in slowing axial elongation.