OCT-A performs very well in detecting type 1 and type 2 CNV, with sensitivity of 86% and specificity of 82 %.11 The central question is primarily whether OCT-A can replace FA or whether OCT-A can be viewed as a complementary imaging modality, with the two procedures together yielding much greater sensitivity than either method alone.12 If further evaluations of OCT-A were to underscore the validity of its characterisation of treatment-relevant CNV morphology, then OCT-A could be used alone for confident diagnosis in the future—certainly a desirable scenario. However, even now CNV can be analysed not only in the active stage, but also in the inactive stage following anti-VEGF treatment.5 13 14 OCT-A also detects ‘silent’ CNV that has led to neither intraretinal nor subretinal fluid and cannot be depicted on SD-OCT or FA.15 16 To the present time, however, there is no clear criteria for CNV activity on OCT-A, so no conclusions can be drawn whether a detected CNV is active or inactive.
In CNV, pathological vessels grow from the choriocapillaris into the retina. These vessels indicate permeability disorders by leaking fluid at subpigment epithelial, subretinal and/or intraretinal locations. SD-OCT is therefore used to monitor the results of treatment. The presence of subretinal fluid or an increase in subpigment epithelial or intraretinal fluid constitutes a criterion of activity and thus indicates renewed treatment in the IVAN PRN scheme (three injections at 4-week intervals). Thus, with this means of assessment, one can conclude only indirectly that changes in the CNV have taken place.
Lumbroso et al17 observed the vascular morphology of CNV and sought to arrive at conclusions regarding the treatment required. Huang et al18 also described distinct regression of CNV visualised by differences in blood flow in the first 2 weeks after anti-VEGF treatment, with a renewed increase in visualisable CNV after 4 weeks and then an increase in fluid collections. Muakkassa et al19 showed regression of CNV area following anti-VEGF treatment with associated regression of subretinal and/or intraretinal fluid.
We have already shown in a previous study that the mathematical analyses of ‘skeletonized’ vessels also used in this study are able to quantify the progressive vascular changes in macular telangiectasia type 2.10 This procedure was again used in the present study and showed that the various mathematical characteristics of the vessels may be significantly correlated with the established alterations (fluid distribution on SD-OCT) between inactive and active disease. Previous publications described the morphological patterns of neovascular membranes such as a medusa or sea-fan-shaped pattern or an ill-defined pattern without any correlation with clinical activity.20–22 More specific data on these vascular changes during treatment might therefore identify new parameters for assessment of CNV activity. This could lead to early diagnosis when activity increased and thus to faster initiation of treatment, which is crucial to the patient’s visual outcome.4 aCNV can be documented very accurately by OCT-A. It is extremely important CNV is captured completely in the selected segment, or the CNV will appear smaller than its true size. Previous publications have shown a significantly smaller aCNV on OCT-A than on FA and ICG-A.23–25 One possible reason for this is that the leakage effect caused by FA and ICG-A due to the abnormal permeability of the vessels magnifies the apparent extent of the CNV. The correlation between the increase and decrease of aCNV and the increase and decrease of CFT, together with the significantly smaller area in the inactive phase of disease, shows that OCT-A achieves more precise analysis of the area and therefore more accurate detection of activity changes at the level of the vessels themselves. Other authors have also described a significant decrease in aCNV after anti-VEGF treatment and a renewed increase possibly accompanied by exudation.13 26 In contrast, Xu et al27 described a general increase in the size of CNV under anti-VEGF therapy, and Carnevali et al28 observed a growth in size of quiescent CNV without correlation to clinical activity. Bailey et al29 found, in eyes with non-exudative CNV, a CNV area growth rate of 20% per month associated with a high risk to develop exudation. Therefore size change of aCNV could be one important parameter for assessment of CNV activity. It should be noted that OCT-A only represents perfusion in a defined observation window and changes are thus related to the fact that vascular parts are no longer perfused or are perfused more slowly. During reactivation, however, these were again visible as perfused. Therefore the change of the CNV size can only be interpreted as an increase or decrease of the perfused CNV area and not of the real vessel size.
Earlier studies showed that the capillaries visible in a CNV decrease during anti-VEGF treatment, whereas the prominent afferent vessels change little or not at all.30 This is interpreted as a consequence of heightened sensitivity of the capillaries compared with mature vessels owing to the lack of pericytes, which makes them vulnerable to anti-VEGF. The results of our study show that, in the mathematical model we used, tlCNV decreased significantly on treatment. Depletion of anti-VEGF is often followed by renewed disease activity with exudation and increasing CFT. This is in accordance with our finding that tlCNV also increases and correlates with the change in CFT during the course of treatment. Further research is required, however, to determine the extent to which these mathematical parameters can map the ‘maturation’ of CNV to primarily larger mature vessels. Given that nsCNV decreased significantly with longer-term treatment in our study, this application of the CNV quantification method we used seems to have realistic potential. This is in agreement with the above-mentioned findings of earlier studies where the small segments of CNV vessels disappeared during treatment but the prominent segments were preserved.30 The mathematical model could thus enable objective analysis of vascular changes in CNV that reflect direct biological effects on the CNV and may therefore represent an additional means of assessing the effects of treatment over time. This is backed up by the significant correlation we observed between changes in nsCNV and changes in CFT.
We used FD as a parameter to represent objectively the complexity of the vascular structure of CNV. FD was significantly lower in the inactive phase of CNV than in the active phase. This shows that the vascular structure becomes less complex, that is, the numbers of vascular segments and branches decrease. As mentioned above, studies have already shown that anti-VEGF treatment particularly reduces the small-calibre CNV vessels, while the large-calibre vessels remain unaffected.17 18 30 31 To date, however, these assessments of treatment effects have always been subjective; there has been no objective means of quantifying the changes. This gap is filled by FD. Al-Sheikh et al32 also compared the FD of active and inactive CNV in nAMD and found a significantly lower value in the inactive phase, in accordance with our findings. The significant correlation between the change in FD and the change in CFT shows agreement with previously used parameters of activity.
The limitations of our study include the small study population and that the CNV had to be marked manually. This is heavily dependent on the investigator’s experience with OCT-A and on the resolution, which is limited by the manufacturer’s technical specifications. The agreement among expert assessors of OCT-A findings in CNV is comparable with that for FA.33 Second, the image quality is crucial for all subsequent mathematical analyses of OCT-A images. The quality has already been greatly improved by the development of eye-tracking systems to avoid movement artefacts. Projection artefacts also limit the accuracy of detection of CNV and their quantification. Moreover, the segmentation in any given patient can change in the course of time, because the morphology of the retina is usually markedly changed by the withdrawal of intraretinal and/or subretinal fluid, with the result that the segmentation levels generated by the manufacturer may also change. Furthermore, the information yielded by OCT-A is limited by the fact that the data are two-dimensional. The future goal should be to depict CNV in three dimensions on OCT-A in order to permit comprehensive assessment and to validate the observed associations in large, reading centre-based studies.