The current study evaluated the predictive value of a panel of standard screening tests in identifying sight-threatening eye disease in an elderly, predominantly white population. We established that reduced visual acuity, abnormal FDT and peripapillary RNFL thickness outside the 99% normal limit were predictive of any sight-threatening eye disease. These tests showed high positive and negative predictive values for the detection of POAG, AMD, significant diabetic retinopathy and clinically significant cataract, suggesting that a subset of screening tests could provide a basis for ophthalmic screening in the community. A trained technician could easily conduct these tests, and screen-positive individuals could then be referred for a full ophthalmic assessment.
Kopplin and Mansberger11 have similarly shown that ophthalmic technicians could effectively identify visually significant eye disease in a cohort of American Indian and Alaskan Native participants using a similar battery of screening tests. The test combination used in this study had a sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of 32%. By contrast, the sensitivity and specificity of the screening panel used in the current study were 61% and 79%, respectively, with similar positive and negative predictive values (60% and 80%). Although the screening panel failed to identify approximately a third of subjects with cataract, suspect glaucoma and intermediate AMD, over 90% of those with the most severe disease were detected.
An earlier UK study investigated the cost-effectiveness of a similar ‘technician screening’ model for POAG in a population aged >40 years, compared with the current opportunistic case finding strategy.16 The authors concluded that screening was unlikely to be cost-effective, based on a comparison of the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio to a standard threshold of a societal willingness to pay of £30 000 per quality-adjusted life year. However, a sensitivity analysis showed that the cost-effectiveness of screening for POAG was highly dependent on disease prevalence. For example, at a prevalence of 5%, the technician screening model became more cost-effective than current practice. The cost-effectiveness of population screening for eye disease could be increased by either screening a group with a higher prevalence of a target condition or extending the screening programme to encompass several diseases. In the current study, the prevalence of sight-threatening eye disease in our elderly participants was in the region of 30%, and therefore, technician screening for significant eye disease in this population is highly likely to be cost-effective. Furthermore, our model could provide a screening template for the detection of significant eye disease in underserved populations. Although at a higher risk of eye disease, people from minority ethnic groups and those from lower socioeconomic groups are less likely to access eye care services and consequently are at a greater risk of late presentation with associated poorer outcomes.17–20
The index tests used were designed to detect structural and/or functional defects. The first-generation FDT perimeter in the C-20–5 suprathreshold mode was used to evaluate visual function and determines contrast thresholds at 17 locations within the central 20 degrees of the visual field. Stimuli are initially presented at a contrast level that should be detected by 95% of age-matched normal subjects. This test was originally developed for glaucoma screening; however, the FDT has also been shown to be effective for the detection other eye diseases.21 An abnormal FDT result showed a univariate association with all target conditions and a threshold of ≥1 point missed at the 5% level was retained in the final multivariate model. Similarly, an abnormality in one or more SD-OCT parameters showed a univariate association with POAG, AMD and diabetic retinopathy. The OCT parameters selected for the analysis and the associated pass/fail criteria (value outside the 99% CI based on the iVue SD-OCT normative database) were established a priori. Thinning of the peripapillary RNFL showed the strongest association, and this parameter was retained in the final model. Predictably, the association was strongest for POAG, but a statistically significant association was also found for AMD. While the OCT is widely used as a diagnostic tool for neovascular AMD, where it is particularly effective in detecting subretinal fluid,22 more recently, morphological changes in the inner retina have been documented in eyes with AMD. Changes in the thickness of the GCC and RNFL have been reported in both atrophic and neovascular forms of AMD.23 24
In the UK and internationally, there has been a shift towards integrating advanced imaging technologies, particularly OCT, into routine case finding.25–28 Global interest in the value of SD-OCT for detecting retinal disease has recently been fuelled further by the application of artificial intelligence (AI) based on deep learning algorithms.29 30 Applying AI to a set of real-world OCT scans, taken from patients referred into a large tertiary referral centre, showed a diagnostic performance that was comparable and, in some cases, better than clinical experts for a range of sight-threatening retinal diseases.
Strengths and limitations
To our knowledge, this is the first UK study that has evaluated the performance of a combination of screening tests to detect clinically significant eye diseases in a primary care setting. The study has a number of strengths. The design, analysis and reporting complied with the principles of the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy statement.31 To reduce spectrum bias, the target population included consecutive subjects who met the inclusion criteria, and there were no exclusions. Although it is possible that higher numbers of those with a personal or family history of eye disease were more likely to agree to participate in the study, the prevalence of sight-threatening eye disease in our population (30%) was similar to a London-based cross-sectional study that used random sampling.14 Therefore, we believe that the study sample is likely to be broadly representative of the local population. The reference standard used to classify the participants’ ocular status corresponded to that used in a typical hospital eye clinic and was based on the results of a standard ophthalmic examination by a validated clinician. All index tests and the reference standard examination were undertaken on the same day, and the clinician performing the reference examination and the ophthalmic technician undertaking the index tests were masked to the results.
The study also has some limitations. Although a large sample of the population was examined, the prevalence of the individual target conditions was low, and consequently, the reported measures of index test performance were associated with wide confidence intervals. Furthermore, since the identified panel of screening tests was not tested on an independent validation sample, it is possible that the predicative value of these tests may be lower in other populations. Approximately 90% of our study population was of white European origin, and therefore, our findings may not be generalisable to other ethnic groups.
The current study did not include a formal cost-effectiveness analysis. One of the tenets of Wilson and Jungner’s widely implemented ‘Principles and Practice of Screening for Disease’32 states that ‘the cost of case-finding (including diagnosis and treatment of patients diagnosed) should be economically balanced in relation to possible expenditure on medical care as a whole.’ An economic evaluation of any proposed screening programme is therefore essential to assess the full costs of implementing, operating and sustaining the programme. Recent studies in ophthalmology have recognised the efficiencies gained in screening for more than one eye condition. For example, AMD screening carried out simultaneously with digital screening for diabetic retinopathy is cost-effective in the context of a public healthcare system in Hong Kong.33