Glaucoma is the world’s leading cause of irreversible blindness.1 Up to 20% of new referrals to Hospital Eye Services (HES) (hospital outpatient eye services) in the UK are for suspected glaucoma, with the annual cost of monitoring patients with this chronic condition estimated to be £22.5 million.2 The National Health Service (NHS) is under tight budgetary restrictions3; it is therefore necessary that demand for outpatient ophthalmology services is managed effectively and efficiently.
Identifying the appropriate patients for outpatient hospital care remains an ongoing challenge for all UK glaucoma services. A concern for ophthalmology services in the UK is that a high proportion of referrals (between 20% and 65%) have been found to be false positives.4–6 Shah and Murdoch7 found both the percentage and the number of false positive referrals for suspected glaucoma had increased further since the introduction of the first National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE)glaucoma guideline in 2009. Not only do false positive referrals place unnecessary demands on overstretched resources, but false positive referrals also incur financial costs, both for the NHS and for the patient, as well as unnecessary anxiety potentially experienced by referred patients.8
Concern regarding false positive referrals associated with glaucoma diagnosis has resulted in the introduction of glaucoma referral filtering schemes (including repeat measures (see figure 1), enhanced case finding, and referral refinement schemes9).9 An example is the Manchester Glaucoma Enhanced Referral Scheme (GERS), which was initially introduced in 2000 and updated in 2013. In this paper, we examine the cost consequences of the Manchester GERS by considering the total costs of the scheme.
Glaucoma referral filtering schemes
In the UK, most referrals for suspected glaucoma are generated through opportunistic surveillance during sight tests or private eye examinations by community optometrists. These community optometrists will refer patients onto HES if they suspect glaucoma. The number of patients being referred to HES ophthalmology outpatient departments is rapidly increasing due to: an ageing population; advances in diagnostic and screening tools; until the updated NICE guideline of 2017, changes in national and professional guidance regarding glaucoma care.9
Glaucoma referral filtering services allow trained practitioners to repeat, enhance or refine their findings for patients who have suspected glaucoma in community settings, before onward referral to the HES, therefore reducing/avoiding unnecessary referrals. Not only does the reduction in false positive referrals relieve excess demand on overstretched ophthalmology departments, but it also has the potential to reduce waiting times for other patients. There are different types of filtering services: repeat measures schemes include those where measures such as intraocular pressure and/or visual fields are repeated prior to referral, enhanced case finding schemes sees the optometrist undertake a higher level of assessment to offer testing, adding value beyond repeat measures and finally, glaucoma referral refinement offers a level of testing sufficient for diagnosis of glaucoma.
The Manchester GERS is an example of an enhanced case finding scheme with a repeat measures filter also feeding into the enhanced case finding pathway. Figure 1 shows the different aspects of the Manchester GERS. In the Manchester GERS patients with suspected glaucoma are referred to a group of trained and accredited community optometrists who have undergone specialist training in glaucoma, rather than being referred through their general practitioner (GP) onto ophthalmology outpatient departments. These community optometrists work to an agreed assessment protocol and set of referral criteria, and, depending on whether or not the patient meets these criteria, either refer the patient directly to the HES or discharge them back to the care of to their referring optometrist or GP (see figure 1). Not only does the GERS pathway aim to reduce false positive referrals, but it also allows patients with suspected glaucoma to be seen by a trained specialist optometrist within 20 working days of referral. Furthermore, the additional clinical information collected by the accredited community optometrist means that triage at the hospital ophthalmology department can prioritise patients with higher clinical need.
In 2003 Henson et al10 analysed the Manchester scheme (then known as a glaucoma referral refinement scheme) and found that 42% of patients passing through the scheme were not referred onto the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital (MREH). This reduction in false positive referrals meant that the scheme reduced costs to the NHS by approximately £17 per patient.
Similar glaucoma referral filtering schemes throughout the UK have also been found to reduce false positive referrals to HES and to be cost saving to the NHS.11 12 Devarajan et al11 assessed a variation of the Manchester GERS with an additional form of refinement for patients not referred 12 months later. Devarajan et al11 found the Carmarthenshire Glaucoma Referral Refinement Scheme to be cost saving at £117 per patient passing through the scheme. Parkins and Edgar12 also analysed two glaucoma referral filtering schemes within the Bexley Care Trust; a glaucoma repeat measurements scheme and a refinement pathway scheme. The authors found the repeat measurement scheme demonstrated a substantial cost benefit to the NHS, whereas, the onward referral refinement scheme was found to be cost neutral.
Henson et al10 based their analysis on the assumption that false positive referrals attending the HES before the introduction of the glaucoma referral filtering scheme would have had on average 2.3 clinic visits before being discharged. Previous cost consequence studies have either used values of 2.3 or 2.1 visits to the HES prior to discharge (Devarajan et al,11 Parkins and Edgar12 and Ratnarajan et al2). All of these studies found glaucoma referral filtering schemes to be cost saving. However, these studies assume that false positive patients would make more than two visits to an eye hospital prior to discharge. This figure comes from an audit of new referrals to the MREH in 1997. Due to advances in technology, the introduction of payment by results, and amended clinical guidelines, it could be possible that the number of follow-up visits prior to discharge may have changed from Henson et al’s audit in 1997 (Henson et al10).
In 2016 the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and College of Optometrists issued Joint College Guidance recommending the implementation of glaucoma referral filtering schemes across the UK, where possible, to reduce the false positive referral rate to ophthalmology services.13 However, the cost consequences of such glaucoma referral schemes are unclear and previous studies indicate that more than one visit to the HES needs to be avoided to make the scheme cost saving.10–12
We aim to calculate the costs savings of the Manchester GERS from the perspective of the NHS.