For the 23 patients included in this analysis, mean age was 13.8 years (range, 5–25 years); median 11.3 years, that is, half of the patients were <12 years of age. Sixty-five per cent (15) were female and 35% (8) were male. Seventy per cent (16) were Caucasian, 13% (3) were Hispanic and 17% (4) were mixed race. Average age at detection of visual impairment by an outside examiner before enrolment in the study was 9.1±4.2 years (range 3–17 years). The average time between vision impairment detection and enrolment in the study was 4.8±3.7 years. Impaired vision and optic disc pallor (96% of patients) were diagnosed when children were examined by an eye care provider after experiencing difficulty with visual tasks in elementary school. The prevalence of ophthalmic findings are listed in table 1. These rates are similar to those reported previously in a subset of this cohort.18
At entrance into the study, all 23 patients (100%) were able to cooperate for measurement of CDVA; RNFL measurement was achieved in 20 patients (87%), and DT-MRI scans of the optic radiations were obtained in 19 patients (83%). The combination of low-vision-related unsteady visual fixation, neurodevelopmental disability and/or immaturity prevented testing of the RNFL in three patients and contraindications for MRI (eg, cochlear implants and braces) precluded scanning in four patients. Table 2 shows the number of patients who have been enrolled for 1–3 years and thus the number retested at those intervals. About half of patients (11/23) have 3 years of CDVA test data available for longitudinal analysis (table 2).
Age-related trends for visual acuity, RNFL and optic radiation FA
Visual acuity (CDVA) as a function of WFS patient age is shown in figure 1. The CDVA at entrance examination is plotted for each of the 23 patients. Lines joining data points represent the CDVA obtained at annual follow-up examinations for individual patients. CDVA was a mean 20/91 (logMAR: 0.66), with a range of 20/25 to 20/40 000 (logMAR: 0.9–3.3). CDVA was 20/40 or worse in 91% of patients (21/23).
Figure 1Visual acuity (logMAR units) versus patient age. Lines join sequential annual measures of individual patients with WFS. logMAR, log minimum angle resolution; WFS, Wolfram syndrome.
RNFL thickness is a measure of the health of anterior (pregeniculate) visual pathway axons; RNFL as a function of patient age is shown in figure 2. The RNFL thickness at entrance examination is plotted for 20 patients (20/23; three children could not perform the test reliably). Lines joining data points represent the CDVA obtained at annual follow-up examinations for individual patients. Seven of the 20 patients (35%) had one or more follow-up RNFL values that exceeded the entrance value (upward slope of the line joining values). It would be difficult to explain these upward deflections as true increases in RNFL thickness; they likely represent ‘noise’ inherent in measurement of RNFL in patients who have subnormal vision and fixation instability. RNFL thickness in patients with WFS (figure 3) averaged 57±8 µ, or 40% thinner than that measured in normal (94±10 µ) children and adolescents. The difference between mean RNFL thickness in WFS patients versus controls was significant (year 1, n=20, Z score=−4.30, P<0.01). RNFL thickness was not correlated with CDVA (r=– 0.07, P=0.70).
Figure 2Retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness versus age in patients with WFS (white dots) and in age-matched normal subjects (black dots). Lines join sequential annual measures of the same patient with WFS. WFS, Wolfram syndrome.
Figure 3Retinal nerve fibre layer mean thickness for patients with WFS versus controls. WFS, Wolfram syndrome.
Optic radiation FA measures the health of posterior (postgeniculate) axons (figure 4). FA is a sensitive indicator of white matter injury22 and can detect damage even when standard MR images appear normal.23–27 In patients with WFS, lower optic radiation FA (figure 4) correlated strongly with worse CDVA (year 1, n=19, rs=−0.60, P=0.006).
Figure 4Optic radiation fractional anisotropy versus visual acuity (logMAR units) in patients with WFS. Measures obtained at entrance examination. logMAR, log minimum angle resolution; WFS, Wolfram syndrome.
A downward trend is evident in the regression line of figure 1—worse CDVA at older age—and in the regression line of figure 2—thinner RNFL at older age. However, the data of both figures show a wide range of disease severity. Some young patients with WFS had poor CDVA and thin RNFL, whereas some older patients had comparatively good CDVA and thicker RNFL. The range of severity independent of age is evident in the fact that correlation with age was non-significant for CDVA (P=0.44), RNFL (P=0.11) and optic radiation FA (P=0.94).
In normal adults, thinner RNFL has been associated with older age, longer axial length (AL) of the eye and smaller optic disc area.28 AL was not measured in our patients so we used spherical refractive error as a proxy; hyperopic eyes tend to be shorter and myopic eyes tend to be longer. Neither age, refractive error nor disc area were correlated with thinner RNFL in our Wolfram cohort (age, P=0.44; spherical refractive error, P=0.13; optic disc area, P=0.39).
There were no significant differences between male and female patients with regard to entrance CDVA (P=0.71), RNFL thickness (P=0.36) or OR FA (P=0.65).
Comparison of entrance year measures to follow-up year measures
To assess disease progression, measures obtained at entrance were compared with measures obtained in successive annual follow-up examinations. Because patients in this longitudinal cohort study are enrolled as they are referred to our centre, patients enrolled earlier in the study have longer follow-up and those enrolled recently have shorter follow-up. Table 1 shows the number enrolled (23 patients) and the lower numbers measured at each year of follow-up.
In the 11 patients measured annually for 3 years, CDVA declined significantly from a mean logMAR 0.61±0.37 to logMAR 0.80±0.42 (Wilcoxon signed rank test, P<0.05). Over the same interval, RNFL thickness declined from an average 59±6 µ to 55±4 µ (P<0.05). Did patients with worse CDVA at the entrance examination and/or thinner RNFL thickness at entrance examination have greater rates of loss at follow-up examinations? To examine this issue, the slope of the loss was calculated for each patient and then correlated with the entrance values. The slopes did not correlate with the entrance values, that is, the most severely affected patients did not have steeper rates of loss (CDVA mean=0.05 logMAR/year, P=0.35; RNFL mean=−0.3 micron/year, P=0.54).
For OR FA, the decline from entrance (mean 0.45±0.03) to 1 year follow-up (0.43±0.03; 13 patients) was significant (P<0.05). Lower numbers of patients at the 2-year and 3-year follow-up (nine patients and six patients, respectively) likely account for non-significant statistical declines at the longer OR FA retesting intervals.