Table 1

Baseline demographics and ocular characteristics of patients with diabetes macular oedema including pre-outcomes and post-outcomes after treatment with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy

General characteristicsDiabetic macular oedema (n=31 eyes from 31 patients)
 Median (min, max)61.0 (46, 72)
 Male20 (64.5%)
 Female11 (35.5%)
 Type 17 (22.6%)
 Type 224 (77.4%)
Retinopathy status
 Treated eye
  NPDR29 (93.5%)
  PDR2 (6.5%)
 Untreated eye
  NPDR31 (100%)
  PDR0 (0%)
Duration of diabetes
 More than 10 years23 (74.2%)
 5–10 years7 (22.6%)
 Less than 5 years1 (3.2%)
Baseline CSMT of eyes (median) (μm/range)
 Treated473 µm (range 321–566 µm)
 Untreated347 µm (range 357–437 µm)
Post-treatment of CSMT of eyes (median) (μm/range)
 Treated301 µm (range 286–324 µm)
 Untreated308 µm (range 259–317 µm)
Decrease in CSMT of eyes (μm) (median) (μm/range)
 Treated−132 µm (range 93–156 µm)
 Untreated−18 µm (range 15–22 µm)
  • CSMT, central subfield macular thickness; NPDR, non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy; PDR, proliferative diabetic retinopathy.